1. LucasBlack

    So here I am... Arrived.

    Cheers! Once I get a few things sorted I'd be up for that!
  2. LucasBlack

    So here I am... Arrived.

    I thought that was the 'Whip-lash Pussy Cat Club'....
  3. LucasBlack

    So here I am... Arrived.

    If anyone wants me to do something similar with one of their photos, then feel free to ask. I may be a newbie to this forum, but I'm an old hand at others! It's all about playing well together, no matter what the subject.... and shooting trolls...
  4. LucasBlack

    So here I am... Arrived.

    I use various iPhone apps (all done on the iPhone). Several passes with different apps and filters and you end up with this. More pics
  5. LucasBlack

    So here I am... Arrived.

    Today has been spent mostly cleaning 'Frank'.... The more I look over it, the more pleased I am with our lucky purchase!
  6. LucasBlack

    So here I am... Arrived.

    Classic - but not the first gen one. It had a few of the added niceties... like carpets :-). Calling a Mk2 is probably not right.... Either way, it was years ago and is now on someone's farm as a pheasanter....
  7. LucasBlack

    So here I am... Arrived.

    I mean Classic, but the second issue of it. Great beastie... flew fairly well too...
  8. LucasBlack

    So here I am... Arrived.

    Had a Mk2 Range Rover with a 200TDi lump many years ago. Always wanted a Series though... and luck handed us a golden egg.... So here I am! Frank - The Barnyard find 88" SIII Always been in engineering. I always try to find the answers myself before asking the obvious, but don't mind answering...