1. J

    Salisbury Plain

    I would but never been there before so would have to follow you! Just tell me where to meet? Thanks josh
  2. J

    Essex lanes

    hey guys, I was going to be on this trip, but i went and bought an old 1996 200tdi disco instead, but looks like i really missed out looks amazing. let me know when your out next and ill be there! cheers
  3. J

    Surrey greenlanes?

    Hey, steve how did it go? sorry couldnt make it i went and bought a 1996 200tdi discovery its not pretty to look at but ideal for green laning. didnt want to wreck my defender so bought that instead. let me know when your heading out next and ill make it this time. cheers josh
  4. J

    Surrey greenlanes?

    Ya sounds good do you know how hard the lanes are and if they are over grown?cause the paintwork is pretty good on her. Also where is everyone meeting? Thanks
  5. J

    Surrey greenlanes?

    Hey Guys im pretty new to the off road scene anyone mind if i tag along with one of your green laning days, just tell me what to bring got most the gear except winch. thanks