1. D

    Second hand radiator

    Hi all I'm looking for a second hand radiator for my manual 300 tdi can anyone help??
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    Head gasket

    Ok thanks
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    Head gasket

    Hi all I need a new head gasket for my 300 tdi but I've been told there are 2 or 3 different types ie thickness how do I tell which one I need?? Also the the bolts stretch bolts? Any help appreciated thanks
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    where can i go off roading

    Hi all i live near aylesbury and was wondering if anyone knows of anywhere i can go off roading during the week with my kids??
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    Please help!!!

    right i've had another look tonight and it's definately the outer pad that has dropped onto the disc bell scoring it,the pad just falls throught the caliper and just won't sit in the correct position ffs im sure they are the correct pads because the inner pad sit's fine! is this a common thing...
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    Please help!!!

    At the weekend just gone i had my back wheel off to check my brake pads as i've only just got my disco and thought i had better check,anyway i noticed one of the pads has dropped and scored the top of the hub on the o/s rear so it appears i need a new caliper!! I got in the car the next morning...
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    Does anyone actually offer help here?

    one of the first things i would do is a compression test you can get a tester from halfords for about £20
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    300tdi juddering???

    Hi all I had my rear wheel off and noticed that the outer brake pad is scoring the hub so put it back together properly and now I have a judder when I floor it please help any ideas I've since had the wheel off again to make sure it's central but yet still the same please help??
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    Rear Brakes

    I checked my rear pads yesterday and noticed that one of the pads has dropped in the caliper and has scored the top of the hub is this a common fault or is it just that some numpty lol has'nt fitted them properly any ideas??
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    Hello all

    Hi mate my name is also stuart and i have only just joined myself so welcome mate.i have just brought my first landrover disco 300tdi
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    boot floor panel

    Hi all im looking for a boot floor panel for my 300tdi disco it's an N'plate if that matters someone said that i should contact paddocks??thanks:)
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    wanted disco 5 door 300 tdi boot floor!!

    cheers guys paddocks??
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    wanted disco 5 door 300 tdi boot floor!!

    Hi all im in need of a new floor panel for my disco please can anyone help with this thanks.....
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    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Hi after picking up my first LR last night i decided to give it a proper look over today i decided to have all of the carpet out of the boot to inspect the floor and what do you know i need a new floor which i see can be easily replaced any ideas where i can get one please guys help out the...
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    I'm new hello

    Hi all my name is stu I've just brought my first landrover disco 300tdi never done off roading before so I can't wait to have ago