1. Phill

    Desperatley seeking...

    Oh I can guarantee it.:)
  2. Phill

    Ford V6:

    Depends how good with the spanners you are. At the end of the day its just nuts and bolts and some wiring. If your intelligent, patient and have the money, anything is possible.
  3. Phill

    Desperatley seeking...

    Well get your tent out then
  4. Phill

    Desperatley seeking...

    I modify heads. A second head means the vehicle is off road 2-3 hours rather than a week.
  5. Phill

    Desperatley seeking...

    OK, OK, put your dummy back in. Only had it for 5 minutes, barely had time to look under the bonnet. Still after a Cyl Head if anyone got one for sale??
  6. Phill


    Keep the canvas! I took mine off yesterday to take to the laundrette for a wash (Nikwax Tech Wash £3.95) and treatment (Nikwax TX Direct Wash In £13.99) It was great driving to the bagwash with the hood off. Felt a right poser lol. All those poor suckers in their hardtop BMW X5's:D
  7. Phill

    Axel straps

    Not an expert on straps but I was steaming mine off yesterday and my straps were taught. Take that as you will:confused:
  8. Phill

    Help, please!!! Still overheating?????

    I second CharlesY for sure. Failing that I'd suspect the Thermostat. New or not, it can still be faulty. Take it off and check it's operating using the old pan of water check. Cant see it being timing if the engine is running sweet. Water pump obviously figures into the equation so...
  9. Phill

    Desperatley seeking...

    You're thinking of the crankshaft mate. The camshaft sits at the top of the head, rotates and fires the valves off in sequence. What your calling a Rockershaft is a Camshaft;)
  10. Phill

    Desperatley seeking...

    Aye, the cam shaft..that long metal thing with the lobes on it lol! oh, its Petrol;)
  11. Phill

    Desperatley seeking...

    2.25 Cylinder head for my 1980 109. Preferably with cam and valves. either in bits or complete, I'm not fussed.
  12. Phill

    Wheels & Paint

    That'd be great yella! Let me know when, where and how much matey;)
  13. Phill

    project stop

    Jeez! I'm new to Landy's and the prices continue to stun me! I paid a similar price for bloody Air flow relay on a Vectra:rolleyes:
  14. Phill

    Wheels & Paint

    Cheers Auntie! Nitromors is paint stripper usually sold in most hardware stores like Wickes or B&Q, etc. You paint it on, the paint bubbles up and you wipe it off
  15. Phill

    Wheels & Paint

    Hi Yella, Im located in The Wirral, in between Liverpool and North Wales.:)
  16. Phill

    Wheels & Paint

    Can I ask how much you paid for shot blasting those wheels? Need mine doing
  17. Phill

    New guy needs help

    Suppose for £5 a barrel its cheap enough to take a shot in the dark. Can always ebay them off if they're wrong and I'll get my answer. Thanks for the replies though:)
  18. Phill

    K&N air filter

    Cheers Mad hat:) I have found that an enclosed induction system with dedicated cold air feed works better than the open induction. Problem with 57's is they suck in the hot air in the engine bay which impairs performance by a margin. Or Pipercross brand air filters are good, they breathe...
  19. Phill

    New guy needs help

    It just look scraggy from the side....s'ppose I could wash it then treat it lol What about those door definitions. Whats the diff between a Anti-burst and slam? Dont want to end up buying the wrong lock barrels
  20. Phill

    K&N air filter

    I've use 57i's on Veccy's, Golfs, Escorts and found them lacking. Any good on the Landy?