1. Dan_Trials

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    Good progress! See your Upol residue issue... You are using slow degreaser, as you should be, to do the main job as it evaporates very slowly (hence the name) to give you plenty of working time. You would then follow this up with fast degreaser to clean up the residue which will be formulated...
  2. Dan_Trials

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    A lot of people don't realise how expensive shot blasting can be, but it does clean the metal like nothing else.
  3. Dan_Trials

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    If you removed the backing plate before the panel had cooled and relaxed then it will warp. You could try heating the other side a bit to pull it that way. Some times we need to hot spot things if the guy making it doesn't brace it during the welding process.
  4. Dan_Trials

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    Nah just a couple broken fingers and a fractured hand. Luckily for everyone else, I am quite ambidextrous so I could carry on working, doubt I'll see that extra mile coming back to me though. I'm really starting to hate people recently, must be an age thing.
  5. Dan_Trials

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    There also seems to be a general consensus that any paint stripper in a metal container is no use. Starchem and No Nonsense seem to be brands that give good results. Right, definitely bed time (pain killers wearing off!).
  6. Dan_Trials

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    I understand what you are saying, and I'm rather split on it all to be honest. In some ways it's a natural progression to improve such things as safety, pollution etc but on the other hand this constant nannying is causing people to think less about what they are doing and so fueling the...
  7. Dan_Trials

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    I work for a company that has the word 'Engineering' in it's name, I assumed (wrongly as it turns out) I would be working with engineers. I don't claim to be any sort of engineering type but if a nut is a 19mm then my understanding is that you use a 19mm spanner/socket/wrench etc to remove it...
  8. Dan_Trials

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    Now, paint stripper, I was told this by a very cunning salesman: "Modern paint strippers don't need to be as strong because modern paints aren't as tough to shift and a lot panels are made from recycled materials so there is a risk of damaging the panel with the older (proper) paint strippers."...
  9. Dan_Trials

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    Those wheels aren't completely buggered, not even a little bit! You could plant potatoes in the tyres and then sell the harvest to fund the project.
  10. Dan_Trials

    Discovery 1 300tdi

    Vaseline might work o_O
  11. Dan_Trials

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    Haha, now that would be cool!
  12. Dan_Trials

    Discovery 1 300tdi

    Great to see it getting used off road! That steering squeal would do me head in though!
  13. Dan_Trials

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    Oh yes I am very much enjoying these times, I try to include him in as many garage related activities as possible but as is often the case there is usually a lot of grinding and welding to do and the use of chemicals so we spend a lot of our time driving about or playing in the house if the...
  14. Dan_Trials

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    Apparently it is possible to mix Hammerite paints of the same "generation". You could try a little drop of Hammerite blue in with the silver, it might give you the correct shade of paint at least. I remember reading some where (also) on a model building forum about a guy who has a friend or...
  15. Dan_Trials

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    Is it just me or does it look like there's writings on the bumper? Anyway, regarding getting an galvanizing effect.... Look up "rag rolling paint technique"...
  16. Dan_Trials

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    LR Fasteners has a hand brake button listed for £10: http://www.landrover-parts.net/proddetail.php?prod=S1-242108
  17. Dan_Trials

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    It's taken me a couple of weeks but I've managed to catch up on months of your progress in this thread! I am only afforded short drippings of time by she who thinks she's the boss and most of the time I'm looking after our little bundle of terror joy. You are making good progress and doing...
  18. Dan_Trials

    Finally got another Land Rover!

    Pictures as previously stated... I had to cut away some of the arch to get to all of the rear outrigger properly. This wasn't really an issue as it was rotten and needed to be replaced anyway: I had a bit of a repair to do in front of the rear outrigger: I wire wheeled, rust converted...
  19. Dan_Trials

    Finally got another Land Rover!

    Managed to get some more time on this. Got it in the shed (just): My little helper is always on hand to keep me right! I decided to clean, rust convert, paint and underseal the parts of the chassis that I won't be able to get to once the floor and sill are in place. I am yet to...
  20. Dan_Trials

    What's happening???
