1. M

    Engine Disabled

    I'll give that a go tonight Druim. just a further note, I looked out the window this morning to find the car sat there with all the side lights on (not on at the switch). When I went out to the car and unlocked it, they all went off. odd eh!?? Am I looking at a faulty BeCM or multiple...
  2. M

    Engine Disabled

    Left the car on charge over night and checked the that blue wire is connected... it is. Tried the old sync method again, not joy The car still is not responding to the key fob (LED does flash on the fob) The Fob LED still flashes constantly when the key is in the ignition Tried to enter...
  3. M

    Engine Disabled

    I've not disconnected it but I'll double check it in the morning, just to make sure :rolleyes:
  4. M

    Engine Disabled

    ok, thanks Sounds like she's on her way back to the local Land Rover mechanic then. I'll let you know what happens. Cheers
  5. M

    Engine Disabled

    Its since been tested with the voltage much higher....13.2volts, same results and just to be sure I'll leave it on charge over night and test again in the morning. Still no central locking, still the LED on the fob constantly flashing as soon as the key goes in the ignition (as a test I left...
  6. M

    Engine Disabled

    Thanks for coming round Nathan. Anyone local with a Gems SyncMate? Cheers all
  7. M

    Engine Disabled

    Thanks all It sounds like the BeCM is as confused as me :confused:
  8. M

    Engine Disabled

    will the Sync mate sort the central locking too?
  9. M

    Engine Disabled

    J the Range - Its a Gems I'm getting the feeling that its either the BeCM has forgotten about the key fob or BeCM to ECU code has been lost
  10. M

    Engine Disabled

    ok, thanks again Battery now back on charge :) I've also just performed another test which is to check for voltage drop on pin 6 of connector C326 (the blue one into the BeCM) when the fob is pressed. Sure enough when the remote is pressed the voltage does drop, so (from what I've read)...
  11. M

    Engine Disabled

    Hi all I've retried the old sync method - no change I've retried the new sync method - no change The battery is showing 12.02 volts The alarm arms and disarms on the key but there is no response from the fob and only the drivers door unlocks from the key, all other door remain locked...
  12. M

    Engine Disabled

    Hi John From reading everything I could find on the internet, thats what I thought but when I spoke to the local Land Rover mechanic, he thought it was too early... what do I know! I've tried the car again (key in, turn ignition on then off, press unlock), and still nothing, the car does not...
  13. M

    Engine Disabled

    Thanks for the fast responses guys, a few more things to try there. I'm in Dudley, West Midlands Cheers
  14. M

    Engine Disabled

    Hi all My P38 hates me! Just because I didnt drive it for a couple of days over Christmas, the battery decided to go flat. Now it's done this before without causing a problem, but we all know the game of "P38 Russian Roulette", sooner or later it'll end in a dead car! I recharged the...