1. M

    Series IIA 88inch Driveablility

    You dont dive a SII - you sail one. Mine came with the optional man with red flag. Brakes are ok at best, but can put differnet master cylinder on (LWB) which improves SWB brakes. Steering, I find that the scenic route is best, gives the arms a good work out. BUT we are missing the...
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    Well under my tagging order have to be indoors after dark:rolleyes: Too dark to work outside (neighbours only like the sight of grinding sparks on Nov 5th.....) Bit like you suppose. Got a land rover and like to compare notes with other mad owners.
  3. M

    Brake Saga 2 (revenge of the Landy)

    Like wise with mine. Just spent 3 years tarting up an ex-trial SWB. Cleaned most bits, changed what needed it. MOT time. Pedal travel long way, but breaks all locked up. Were in balance so passed. Never even looked at seats. Find an MOT'er that knows old cars.
  4. M


    :D No problem. Is a bit strange - saying hello world. So do you come here often :p
  5. M

    Green laneing in Kent

    Anyone going to Wildwoods (near Brands) Sunday? Will be the baptism of my SII ( under my ownership) so expect to see much muppitry and the like....
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    Greetings, Go on then - I'll bite - why you lost for words.....
  7. M

    Rear springs

    Where to put axle stands on a series - anywhere thats not rusted! Changed the springs on mine a while back - one thing to watch is that they are handed - get it wrong and your landrover will look like a certain italian tower. Also Take care when undoing as there are some heavy things...
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    Slow and steady wins the race...

    And whats nicer than a classic series?:D I mean who wants thes new fangled heaters, I have air conditioning - the air rushes in from every join and gap. No carpets to worry about getting dirty and as for leather seats, whats wrong with the old sponge as soft as a plank of wood:eek:
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    Slow and steady wins the race...

    Greetings all, Have just (Friday) got an MOT on my SWB SII after 3 years of owning it (and telling the wife that it only needs a little work).:o Now looking to get well and truly muddy in it and I'm sure break down many times. First break down was on way back from MOt when sediment in...
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    Green laneing in Kent

    Greetings - have just got my S11 on the road and now looking for some gentle green lane fun. Live in Maidstone so watching the thread with interest. Keep me informed as the saying goes... Ian
  11. M

    Does anyone have a picture of this landrover.....

    From memory this was a show special made by Land Rover and I think is now owned by Dunsfold