1. F

    Hi all

    im just glad im not paying the fule bill its not miles to the gallon but the uthere way around lol but you are right its just a big boy toy lol:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:violent::mil80:
  2. F

    Hi all

    my challenger will do 70 kph will go over anything or throu it if you want and its got a 120mm cannon for any big problems that might come up m8 lol but dont get me wrong i still love my disco :D:D:D:D:D
  3. F

    Hi all

    bulldozer my challenger 2 main battle tank will sort that out lol:D:D:D:D:D:D
  4. F


    welcome m8 what is up with it
  5. F

    One more try

    if its you sunroof try cleening the rubber seal and checking then dranage chanel as if this is blocked it will leak into the cabin.
  6. F

    Hi there

    im armed forces myself so ifn you are around tidworth with your disco give me a shout and we might be able to do something :)
  7. F


    :welcome2:you will have loads of fun :)
  8. F

    new lad....

    :welcome2: hope you enjoy the banter:D
  9. F

    disco 2 washer bottle

    can anyone tell me anuther place to put the washer bottle as iv just fitted a winchbumper and the bottle is sitting there like a thore thum. Is there somewere else to put it :)
  10. F

    Hi guys...

    well a rep car, its wheels i serpose. I hope your insurance sorts its self out :)
  11. F

    Hi from Canada eh!

    :welcome2:hi were in canada are you from? i spend alot of time working near medhat and playing in the canmore/banth area, just love the rockys. Phil
  12. F

    Hi guys...

    thats the problem with insurance companes you pay a f***ing lot for them not to pay you for all the time and extras you have put into your vehical and then you pay your councel tax for the police not to find you car and thiving prick or if thay do he will get a slap on the hand and out nicking...
  13. F

    Hi guys...

    Just like your self im not that lucky m8 thay are the worst skum you will ever find, my car was nicked but it was found almost 2 weeks later, it was only dumped out side the police station, you know the best place to hid something is right under your nose, go figger, i hope you have some luck...
  14. F

    Hi guys...

    Just in case there are any police on this sight i would just like to cover my self by saying " I would never take the law into my own hands " i would let you beat them in stead :D:D:D:D
  15. F

    My discovery 2.

    good disco m8 that is what im hopeing to do to my disco 2 i will hopefully see you on the plane as im always up there m8:)
  16. F

    Hi guys...

    sorry to here about you loss :(, I would like to just once cach them in the act the police will not be needed and i dont think thay will want to nick a car agen thay will not be able to play the piano agen ether :):):):)
  17. F


    :welcome2: what are you driving or are you looking for a landy
  18. F

    Hello from sunny bristol

    The rs 2000 is ok but its not a 3 door cosworth or a mk 1 mexico now thats a rs but this is a landrover sight so i think we should stop the ford chat before we get linched :rolleyes:
  19. F

    Hello from sunny bristol

    Hi im fairly new to the sight my self and so far iv had some good feedback and a lot of good advice for my disco so i hope you enjoy the banter :D
  20. F

    Hey everyone

    :welcome2:well you have got your self a landy thats all that matters but it is mad how much you are paying :doh: but that price will drop dont worry :)