1. L

    Drive UK to South Africa.

    Thank you all for your advice and links. I am getting married in July this year and heading back to South Africa (flying) shortly after this. I simply don't have enough time now to prepare for a journey of this magnitude. To those of you who have sent me personal messages, I thank you. Best of luck.
  2. L

    Hi Andy, I am getting married in July this year and as much as I would love to do this trip it...

    Hi Andy, I am getting married in July this year and as much as I would love to do this trip it is looking more unlikely. The more I look into it the more I realise I just simply do not have the time. It kills me to say that because I really want to do this trip. What an adventure it will be! I'm...
  3. L

    Drive UK to South Africa.

    Thanks to all of you for your replies. I will delve deeper into the links you sent and continue my research. Might trade my freelander in for a Defender. Might do the job a bit better??
  4. L

    Drive UK to South Africa.

    Hi all, I am a South African and have been living in the UK since 2001. I bought a Freelander about a year ago and has been the best car I have ever driven by miles! I am so in love with that car. Of the research I have done, it is going to cost me litrally an arm and a leg to ship the vehicle...