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    Series IIA 88inch Driveablility

    Ach, small price to pay... ;) What does worry me slightly though, seriously, is that if you try using the brakes too much ie. slam on the brakes, that it doesn't like it. Now the remedy suggested might be just to not brake or to "pump" the brakes but I would be fairly concerned all the same...
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    Series IIA 88inch Driveablility

    Ah come on! I feel no fear - yet!
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    Series IIA 88inch Driveablility

    Sorry I should have said that it doesn't have to be a IIA you drive; that would be an added bonus! Series 2 - 3 would still be helpful, Cheers
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    Series IIA 88inch Driveablility

    Hi Folks, Can anyone who owns a IIA tell me what they're like to drive? With regards to brakes, steering, (general handling) double de-clutching, max and comfortable cruising speed? I'm just wanting to get a good idea whilst finishing rebuilding the pickup! (Having not driven one before)...
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    110 Scuff Plates, Cheesy door trim

    Climbing in the 110 today I managed to do a really stupid thing - caught my steel boot in between the seat box and the closing driver's door, putting a sizable crack/hole in it right in almost the center of the brand new trim. Anyone else managed this?!! Now I'm not after more cheesy pathetic...