1. Silvertwinkie

    Random & Catastrophic... 2.5 bits galore inc. LPG

    Gentlemen, I came on here to discuss what matters. Not just to give you an opportunity to talk bollocks for your own entertainment. Good bye Land Rover! I'm ****ing well rid of you!
  2. Silvertwinkie

    Random & Catastrophic... 2.5 bits galore inc. LPG

    Thank you for all that information. Do you know that if you drain the oil out of your engine and start it up it's likely to experience a catastrophic failure? Bleeding obvious you may say but what isn't obvious from many people's opinions about LPG is that it is like any other fuel. It has...
  3. Silvertwinkie

    Random & Catastrophic... 2.5 bits galore inc. LPG

    Oh, that old chestnut again! Something to point at and blame. I guess that awful pesky gas just cut a hole in the con rod! It had the conversion in 2002 so I wouldn't consider LPG even likely to be responsible!
  4. Silvertwinkie

    Random & Catastrophic... 2.5 bits galore inc. LPG

    After 4 months of very happy motoring, my 2.5 V6 has thrown a piston, cracking the block and a head!!! :eek::eek::eek: I just do not have the time to put things right and, since I'm dedicated to LPG, I've had to go off reservation to get a replacement. Cue Jeep Cherokee 3.7 :D As a result I...
  5. Silvertwinkie

    V6 lpg?

    What complete rubbish! I've been running a Saab Turbo on LPG and I can tell you that it still goes like a demented clockwork toy on gas - no discernable difference in performance. ...and as for fuel consumption: 325miles from 60 Ltrs UL 5.4 Miles/Ltr ...and(smaller tank so cannot do like...
  6. Silvertwinkie

    Freelander: LPG tank obstructing Tow bar?

    I've just purchased a Freelander V6 fitted with LPG and I'm intending fitting a tow bar. The 70ltr tank is installed(squeezed in) under the boot floor and I'm afraid it might be a problem fitting a tow bar: Except, I've seen two different types of tow bar illustrated for the Freelander. One...
  7. Silvertwinkie

    Complete newbie!

    Hi Folks, owned a Freelander for 2 days so now feel that I can give you all the benefit of my experience! It's a 2.5 V6 with LPG. I realise that I've probably broken 3 golden rules doing this but for me there is only one 4 x 4 but it has to suit what I have to do. I import Airstream travel...