1. C

    Appeal on behalf of Crookstone Adventure Trust

    Info posted on landywatch. Many thanks for pointing me in the right direction - fingers crossed.
  2. C

    Appeal on behalf of Crookstone Adventure Trust

    It was stolen from Broom (near the Homestead pub). Any info would be greatly appreciated. There was a full page spread in the Advertiser this week with a photo. Also if anyone hears of a similar spec vehicle for sale please let me know. We need to find a replacement very soon as the centre...
  3. C

    Appeal on behalf of Crookstone Adventure Trust

    Unfortunately it didn't have any additional security fitted. The frustrating thing is that 99% of the time it was parked on another trustees drive behind two other vehicles. However, on this one occasion it was overnight at the house it was stolen from but not 'blocked in'.
  4. C

    Appeal on behalf of Crookstone Adventure Trust

    I am appealing for any help or information in locating a stolen Land Rover belonging to a small charity based in South Yorkshire and Derbyshire. Without our trusted Land Rover we, as a charity, cannot operate and several deserving groups will not be able to use our facilities. The...