1. L

    New girl on the block

    well I have tried everything I could do myself and had no luck :( Although car is now away hopefully getting fixed , bought a new water pump just incase and car is getting a thorough check. i did manage to drive her today for 10 miles without any overheating or temp guage rising and the top of...
  2. L

    New girl on the block

    Thanks for the advice been a busy weekend so not been able to get under the car again. gonna take all hoses off and clean them out, will try the thermostat test in pan , and been recommended to flush system although my guts telling me its the water pump . another week without my car but at...
  3. L

    Hi new girl on the block

    Great !! how many threads are going to be added to my introduction to LZ ? Not been on all day and you guys still havin a wee gripe you not got anything better to do ? And no car still is not fixed but I told you I was getting my nails done this morning so no more tinkering for the next...
  4. L

    New girl on the block

    no pressure in system when cold ! have bled it but only through the back bleed screw for heaters as a guy at my husbands work told him not to let me play about with the bleed nipples , dont know if this because Im a woman or because I will do some damage. Im no mechanic either but will have a go...
  5. L

    New girl on the block

    Soap powder wasn't me !!!! I was kinda questioning that at the time he said it would be fine! The car has ran ok from July until now even through the winter weather. I was going to start at the bottom rad hose as thats where the probs seem to be, not heating up but the hose that joins the...
  6. L

    Hi new girl on the block

    I know kinda hoping its not that again as was just talking about trading the car in then it starting playing up , its almost like it knew we were getting rid of.:rolleyes: Thanks for the pointers :), you know Im not normally as brash as my threads sound but thought I had to hold my...
  7. L

    New girl on the block

    I know that soap powder had been flushed through cos he was still doing it when I went to collect the car but surely it would take a few flushes to get all crap out. I didnt have oil water mix and no mayo. but could it be that kseal has blocked the radiator? how do I check its not blocked...
  8. L

    Hi new girl on the block

    how is Pam and her 5 friends ? ;0
  9. L

    Hi new girl on the block

    Actually if look at some of the previous threads I think you will find there was ;)
  10. L

    New girl on the block

    Hi Just been having a wee poke around the site and have read stuff on 'Britpart' surprise surprise Ive just put a 'Britpart' thermostat in my car, are the chances its faulty ? Couldnt get the thermostat locally so had to get it online and it didnt state it was Britpart . Do you think I should...
  11. L

    Hi new girl on the block

    Also where on this site should I be posting as I obviously shouldnt have put my question in introducing myself ! but then again look at the fun you all had letting off some steam!
  12. L

    Hi new girl on the block

    Good morning chaps ! Thought I'd have a wee look to see if you have behaving yourselves before going to get my nails done. :) Anyway another day another dollar, on the Freelander situation its always another dollar ! love the car great space etc, so let down with unreliability . Should I...
  13. L

    Hi new girl on the block

    well no partner /wife/husband etc would put up with you being on this forum all night so dream on
  14. L

    Hi new girl on the block

    Time for bed I think Now no bickering children whilst I'm gone .... play nice !!
  15. L

    Hi new girl on the block

    That was no sexual inuendo thats life ! Thats obviously your head space and what you do on your own is nobodies business
  16. L

    Hi new girl on the block

    Listen I'm a Scottish Lassie my skin has to be thick to keep out the cold ! Thanks for the welcome it was very entertaining ! Is that my initiation done then ? will I get help when I need it or will I have to go topless all the time ?
  17. L

    Hi new girl on the block

    In their defence I didnt quite expect that comment and appreciate them for defending me! ! so Thank you. but in life you got to swallow the good stuff and spit out the bad and take a breath !
  18. L

    Hi new girl on the block

    and how did you guys manage to get that photo of me ??? you didnt get my permission to copy it !!!
  19. L

    Hi new girl on the block

    p.s. ' GRATCH ' my tits were already out !
  20. L

    Hi new girl on the block

    well just read through the whole thread ...hilarious ! No problem not solved got too dark to keep tinkering, Mechanic coming round tomorrow to take a wee look hopefully he can source problem , think its the water pump. Getting my nails done in the morning sounds like Im going to need them nice...