1. S

    You reckon this is stolen?

    Dear Mike B I saw your message re: possible stolen Puma Bonnet on Ebay....Mine was stolen on Monday, 7 Feb. from Ranham Essex. It was coloured Keswick Green. What was the colour of the one advertised on Ebay? Whoever took it, knlows about Land Rovers and knew how to tug at...
  2. S

    Stolen Defender 2007 Bonnet Keswick Green

    Hello - has anyone been offered a cheap bonnet for their 2007 Defender or do you know of someone who has just aquired a second hand bonnet through devious means? My bonnet was stolen on Monday, 7 Feb. from my house in Rainham, Essex. Please let me know - thank you
  3. S

    Land Rover Parts Stolen to order?

    Stolen Land Rover Bonnet - 8 February 2011 I have just discovered that the bonnet to my Land Rover Defender 2007 model had been stolen. It was parked along the driveway next to my house, in Rainham, Essex I think that it was stolen to order as it would not be worth anything in...