1. S

    New to this

    Hi everyone New to this sort of thing , bit of a forum virgin,seems that you lot know a lot about landrovers though,im sure ill be picking your brains again.:D
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    freelander 05

    Thanks for that I seem to be missing a filter!! sean
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    Just had a look at the back of the engine and i dont have a filter on any of the three pipes!!It...

    Just had a look at the back of the engine and i dont have a filter on any of the three pipes!!It looks like a trip to auto spares tomorrow
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    Freelander TD4 EGR problem?

    Hi Just reading your message and my td4 05 has the same problem,that is it looses power at 70 mph and sometimes the warning light comes on and sometimes it does not,i have had the turbo tested and the boost control was said to be at fault,another guy thinks that the turbo is at fault.Im not...
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    freelander 05

    Thanks dave I had the car tested and had conflicting views,one guy said it needed a new turbo, another tested the turbo and said it was the turbo boost control but i could not source one from auto factors and they said it did not exist. now very confused!
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    freelander 05

    Thanks Rob I cant see a release button,where is it on the unit? sean
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    freelander 05

    Hi there I have owned my freelander for a year but it has just developed two faults 1- the engine looses power at 70mph and sometimes the warning light comes on other than that its fine 2- most annoying the cd is stuck in the cd player its a 6 cd/radio unit and its a facelift model...