1. N

    No readings from lambda on 4.0 thor

    Engine ECM, Ignition Coil and Oxygen sensor have a some fuse in the Bonnet. it is 10A. I do not remember what number the fuse.
  2. N

    BeCM Problem

    I agree. Change the Signal Board and had no reaction to enter the code. If you know where can I find a Power Board scheme? What is the function of the transistor serves knew.
  3. N

    BeCM Problem

    Granted me that the "Press Remote buttons". The car does not have remote key. just the key to open the door is mechanically possible. Signal Board, which is trying to change the factory, I do not know it is NAS or English modification? Figure shows that it is from 97 years release Range Rover.
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    BeCM Problem

    Thanks YOU for responding. Emergency Key Access Code do not know, because the Signal Board, which raised the experiment is another unknown vehicle. My car did not have a factory code. does not never blocked. NAS options does not have EKA code and associated security.
  5. N

    BeCM Problem

    Hello. I have a Range Rover P38 4.0 SE (NAS) Released in 1996. Brought from New Jersey, 5 years ago. I am from country Georgia. There is not that level of repair specialists that BeCM. The reason why I think BeCM malfunctions. 1. Cleaning Headlights arbitrary circuit. (Fuse removed and is...
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    P38 battery discharge

    With an automatic switch to a Led lamp which exits a few seconds and then again softly illuminated. When car is closed this led lamp must be off?
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    P38 battery discharge

    Has been checked and everything is in order. I also do additional wire but still is not working normally. :( I think I will have to trash this car ..
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    HSE fusebox into a DSE

    Diesel fusebox does not work on the petrol, probably will not work on the contrary.
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    P38 battery discharge

    Car Cassette only changed. But it is not already checked miavs power. I think the alarm is broken. Although not reported any errors but can not think of other reasons .. No defender is not being damaged, Alternator Works perfectly. All information checked in the rave. Such a problem is not...
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    P38 battery discharge

    If you get the message ignition key in when you open the door and the key is out, it may be that flattening your battery...? I verified it but it OK. I verified too the Power when car is sleep mode and here was All OK. I do not know more than what should be the reason .. BCM may...
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    heater problems

    Damaged the driver's side of being hot and cold air motor switch. Switch can be mechanically or all of the motor to change. mechanics switch would disable the driver's side of the climate control button.
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    P38 battery discharge

    i have a some problem. my car is RR P38 4.0 SE From USA. i check the fuse box all is OK. The battery is new but it power down after 12 hours.. I disconected IRF receiver too but not any changes.. Alternator working perfectly! I check the negative connection but it is OK! On the Battery I have a...