1. A

    Our write off...

    I know its been ages, and you were all so helpful when my dh wrote off his 2OO tdi. :) We've faced that DH just doesn't have time or skill to fix it. Its sitting in a barn with the roof, windows and doors off and that's as far as he has got. I did promise I'd report back if we decided to...
  2. A

    Help, write off decisions.

    If we get one it ill be MINE, so...not quite gay, just girly. :) I'm the person stuck driving it when he's away....and TBH I'm really scared of not having a car. we're not right in the middle of nowhere, (i.e. I could walk to a town from our house, if I had more time...can't be away from...
  3. A

    Help, write off decisions.

    DH's landrover is never warm. :( My old series three used to keep my toes warm in winter, but in DH's I just freeze :( There is a field to camp in anyway (and we have a working septic tank now, which we didn't when I first posted:o so that's good) If there is money left over I'm thinking...
  4. A

    Help, write off decisions.

    Thanks! Bit nippy for camping ATM isn't it? But we're very keen to repay the kindness, and camping is a certain possibility for the BBQ and beer and bacon sandwiches. Did occur to me its possibly a nice base here for some Salisbury Plain green laning too. The taking bits off to get to the...
  5. A

    Help, write off decisions.

    I don't want to be too pushy, people might have changed their minds (which leaves me a little panic stricken:o, but its not their problem!:)). There was a Haynes manual in the thing..I'll try and find it. :) Part of the reason things are slow at our end is because DH often works away...
  6. A

    Help, write off decisions.

    Would it help to say I baked a cake when skynet came? :) Presuming we're on our own ...would logic say roof off first, then doors then see where we are? How do we tackle this bulkhead business, or leave that put for now? Anything we should be keeping an eye out for?
  7. A

    Help, write off decisions.

    Yes....DH was going to update himself yesterday but been snowed under with work...I just gave him a call and verbally kicked him, but might as well update for him too. :) (feel free to tease him about his wife helping so much....) Skynet from this forum, who lives locally, came to have a look...
  8. A

    Help, write off decisions.

    Sorry chaps.....its all been a bit hectic here.....we have diggers in putting in drains (hurrah....loos that work will be exciting!) and I've got a sick cat (nd no car to get her to the vets...so having to hop into friends' cars with little notice), hedges being cut...fences needing repairing...
  9. A

    Help, write off decisions.

    Isn't it amazing? I'm just so overwhelmed. I really hope we can return favours to people somehow. :):)
  10. A

    Help, write off decisions.

    I think they look alright! Engineers report I suppose for the door...or when I go and see it. I'm in dilogue with a LZ sone person who will do it as he lives not far away. We just need to coordinate and decide where to get trailer from :) Grr to the wheel. Ok...I won't argue about back...
  11. A

    Help, write off decisions.

    Aha...he found it. Great. Storm I had a google for those two part doors...back doors right? TBH I think they'd be more useful for us than what we have because of the dogs....they look good. But then the old saga of where the spare will go starts again. When DH got the Defender I asked if we...
  12. A

    Help, write off decisions.

    Higher. But Insurers are firm now and won't take an offer on it. TBH, considering the engineer revalued and that you guys say we over paid I'm quite content I've done ok. If I were more confident in my knowledge it might be different but ...I'm not :o. That VIC test is less daunting than...
  13. A

    Help, write off decisions.

    DH would like it back how it is I think. Its just us and one of the dogs in front, but another dog in the back. Occasionally I go in the back when we have passengers. But...what is likely to be cheapest? forgot to say its Cat C write off, so we need whatever test it is at the end of this.
  14. A

    Help, write off decisions.

    Thank you Storm. I'm really grateful for your help :) (how will I get beer to you in thanks?) I don't have an ebay account but I will get one. Transport should be ok, the people on the courier service board are great and have given a good price...once we are sure he's coming home.
  15. A

    Westbury wilts to just outside westbury wilts!

    Skynet, I checked your link...is it for emergencies only? Should I pm you directly?
  16. A

    Help, write off decisions.

    Hello everyone. Are you ready for more of this saga? I hope so. I think we've decided to buy back, so I'm going to follow up the leads from here to get him home. Then we have the option of rebuilding with your help, which really IS the deciding factor. If people really are happy to help...
  17. A

    Westbury wilts to just outside westbury wilts!

    Thank you! If I can locate a trailer I'll pm you, if not we'll try rapid recovery. :)
  18. A

    Help, write off decisions.

    No, I didn't. You are such amazingly kind and generous people. :)
  19. A

    Help, write off decisions.

    ROFL...this is brilliant! Well, anyone local with a trade should definitely tell me, because we have a lot of work over a lot of years for a lot of people! So might be able to put work people's way. :) We don't know very many people here, because we're new to the area. The house is going...
  20. A

    Help, write off decisions.

    Thank you! Posted there and also saw the thread with a commercial company offering a discount! I'm really hoping we'll be able to help other people out with return favours: you are all being so kind. e.g. as the barn seems to be the bonus I might be able to offer barn space to other...