1. mudnut

    Hello.and help needed

    i do think its a little pricey if it were a diesel you may justify it try putting it on e-bay with a reserve thats probably gonna be your best bet i think
  2. mudnut

    Hello All!

    hi guys were ate you based im in middlesbrough fairly new to this lot have to arrang a meet sometime
  3. mudnut

    sounds great to me were abouts in the world are you and joe based mate get together on a lane...

    sounds great to me were abouts in the world are you and joe based mate get together on a lane somewhere work killing me me no mud no green grass no fun lol take care pal
  4. mudnut

    now mate hows it going are you going greenlaning soon i think joe disco is or was organising...

    now mate hows it going are you going greenlaning soon i think joe disco is or was organising something for rudland rigg this month sadly i cant get there at the mo work getting in the way
  5. mudnut

    now then joe its scott we spoke earlier this month about going out to rudland rigg i cant go at...

    now then joe its scott we spoke earlier this month about going out to rudland rigg i cant go at the moment work stopping me at the mo but hopefully will get some time out soon dont forget to let me know how the trip goes and some pics would be great
  6. mudnut

    Off-road only insurance

    i can sympathise with the younger generation it is frustrating the cost of insurance and fuel costs in this country i have to say i agree with the earlier posts green lanes are classed as road aslong as you have the necessary licence insurance and tax there shouldnt be any problems i have had...
  7. mudnut

    Rudland Rigg

    weres the best place to start this trip can you give me grid reference
  8. mudnut

    hello everybody

    hi guys im new to this forum stuff and just starting to get into off road driving /greenlaning im based in good old smoggy land / middlesbrough for those who dont know the term im interested to see if there is anybody who possibly has a cheap4x4 for sale if any one does drop me a line...