1. S

    Hey there from Worcester

    HI LITTLE NAY AND SLOB - Gotta get myself a cool name .. how about "mud bott" or "mud master" or even "squeltch"... Thanks for kind welcome
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    Coney Green Farm Worcestershire

    I copied this information - but could find no other details- anyone ever been? Is there an event already booked - Im a newbe but would love a more experienced person to investigate? Any takers - sounds cool. :o Peas - Shirl Site is alongside the River Severn between Stourport and Bewdley...
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    Hey there from Worcester

    There doesnt seem to be much happening on the calandar? Im still getting to know the site.. but where do I find out about whats going on? Thanks for the heads up - We'll catch you at an event and look into it - heres mud in your eye!! :-)
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    Green laning club in Worcester

    Did you find any - we are also on the hunt for tracks around Worcester Shirley And Mark
  5. S

    Hey there from Worcester

    :p Just found the site - Just what we were looking for! Lots of people who love to get muddy and giggle loads while trying to look like they could get out of anything just by smirking while repeating those Oh so brave words .. "Bring it on" What we have is a discustingly shinny disco looking...