1. C

    Boot (Tailgate) always opens when unlock

    Thanks freelance, hmm maybe moisture froze in our FL2 during the recent freeze which is why both me and my friends car are now playing up. I've also noticed that if I lock the car then after I couple of minutes I unlock the car the boot stays locked as it should but if I leave it for over...
  2. C

    Good lr garage fred

    This guys have gone out of business now, unfortunately.
  3. C

    Boot (Tailgate) always opens when unlock

    Yes but this started before it started raining again after the snow.
  4. C

    Boot (Tailgate) always opens when unlock

    It might be the receiver as it does it with both sets of keys. But yes it's like I'm pressing the open boot (tailgate) button as I unlock the car. I did get a software update last year under warranty to the latest version so the bluetooth would work with my iPhone. I don't know if there's been...
  5. C

    Boot (Tailgate) always opens when unlock

    Hi, Whenever I unlock my FL2 the boot (tailgate) also unlocks and opens. By opens I mean it pops open a bit as if I'd pressed the tailgate release button on the remote. This happened a while a ago and it seems to go away once I'd reset the "open all doors or just the drivers door" option...