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    Insa Special Track - Advice please...

    my mate has a set on his series 3 he said there the best you can get. they are no good on ice but unless you have studs nothing will be any good on ice and in mud he does most of his offroading in 2wd
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    lom mpg and low power

    hey shocker its a manual. my mate has a 110 with a 200tdi and it wipes the floor with me
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    lom mpg and low power

    i've got a 300tdi its quite sluggish and is only doing about 20 mpg could this be a turbo problem. there is oil in the air filter and it burbles when i change gear any help appreciated
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    300tdi wont start

    yeah gonna give that a go alex 8882 cheers for the replys people
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    300tdi wont start

    no worrys cheers
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    300tdi wont start

    yes was running lined everything up and turned it over by hand a couple of times. no unusual noises on start up just sounds like it turning over
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    300tdi wont start

    pretty sure its nothing to do with the cam belt the car has been stood for 18 months
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    300tdi wont start

    i've got a 1996 300tdi it turns over but doesnt fire i did the cam belt yesterday and everything went back on as suppose to could this be immobiliser or somethimg to do with cam belt? help please
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    300tdi wont start

    cheers chris i'll check that. i'm positive its not the battery as i've just put a new one on. i got the garage 2 check it before i bought it cos the first one i bought was duff
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    300tdi wont start

    checked the earth and that is fine but the car was stood for about a year before i bought it and i've had it stood for about 6 weeks while i do some bits and bobs to it i've started it a couple of times though
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    300tdi wont start

    hi my 300tdi wont start there is plenty of juice in the battery and i can hear the starter solenoid cilck in but the engine wont turn over any suggestions please
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    Strata Florida & Happy Valley 12/13 March 2011

    ok cheers for that bigbenny777
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    Strata Florida & Happy Valley 12/13 March 2011

    ha ha cheers nathan 5346 but that doesnt help me does it lol
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    insa turbo dakars

    i'm looking at tyres for my disco to use greenlaning and i'm thinking about the insa turbo dakars can anyone tell me what they are like and if they are capable tyres :confused:
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    Strata Florida & Happy Valley 12/13 March 2011

    hey people at the risk of sounding like a complete dumbass me and my mate are planning a greenlaning trip 2 wales and i wanna do the happy valley and strata florida where bouts are they and are they quite close together? cheers
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    disco altinator

    its a disco 1 300tdi
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    disco altinator

    hi peeps i posted on here not that long ago that i was looking at a disco but it had probs with the rev counter and you kind people pointed me towards the altinator which it turns out is the prob i got the car anyway cos i was to good to let go i was just wondering if anyone could shed some...
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    rev counter

    thank u everyone i'll check before i buy
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    rev counter

    hi i'm currently looking at a 97 disco 300tdi it has a few probs but most of them an easy fix. the rev counter moves but not properly if u rev the nuts off it it only goes to 1500 the landy needs a new battery could this be related?