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    Td5 won’t rev past 3000

    The air filter is clean, I’m going to order a new fuel filter. The fuel pump isn’t making any noise even when I press the accelerater 5 times to prime. Should it always make the whining noise?
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    Td5 won’t rev past 3000

    Morning Whilst driving my disco it started to loose power and get quite jerky. I have checked the wastegate, Ecuador’s for oil and the 3 small black pipes which all seem to be fine. In neutral it won’t rev past 3000 rpm, cold this be the fuel pump? Thanks in advance
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    Disco 2 handbrake rattle

    At around 2500 rpm i get a metal on metal rattle from my handbrake drum, when I put the handbrake on the noise disappears and the noise is a lot quieter when I slacken off the tensioning bolt at the back of the drum. I have taken the the drum off to have a look but cannot work out what is...
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    hard wiring warn m8000

    oh so i need a wire to 2 of the solenoids for the lives, I've just soldered it onto the live wire, would this be the problem and i have a block of 4 solenoids
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    hard wiring warn m8000

    I've tried to do this today but i get nothing? i soldered the 6 core to the power, in and out and the attached them to the switch but nothing happens? would the solders not but a good enough connection or something else wrong?
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    hard wiring warn m8000

    how do i tell which wire is 12v, in and out? this is what I'm finding hard because if i get the wrong one it could do some damage.
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    hard wiring warn m8000

    ok thanks, what wires do i connect it from the solenoid as i have around 5 or 6?
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    hard wiring warn m8000

    so do i need a switch with only 3 pins? do i need a relay? i have a 5 or 6 pin plug, does this matter? and which wire go to which pin. thanks for your help
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    hard wiring warn m8000

    I'm trying to hardwire my warn m8000 as it didn't come with a wander lead but don't know exactly what i need or how i wire it, i was thinking that i could use some 6 core cable to connect to each wire on the solenoid then back to the cab with a relay and a switch? thanks oli
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    gearbox dimensions and weight for postage?

    I need to have an lt77 gearbox couriered to me but i don't know the dimensions or weight so if anyone knows them it would be a great help, i have searched the internet but not found anything.
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    Disco T box in defender question

    Oh, i was hoping for a bit more than that really :( But in all seriousness would could i expect, i get 80 to 85 tops at the moment?
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    Disco T box in defender question

    thanks for the info, I'm running cooper discoverer STT tyres but what could i roughly expect speed wise?
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    Disco T box in defender question

    I am planning on putting a disco T box in my 200tdi defender and was wondering what kind of top speed could i expect from this set-up? and can i just put any box in e.g. disco 200tdi, 300tdi or td5 and the T box lever will be in the same place and it can be fitted fairly trouble free? I know...
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    lt77 gearbox wanted (having trouble finding one)

    The gearboxes on ebay are broken, already sold or are the other side of the country, i have called 2 people from ebay this morning and they've both been sold already.
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    lt77 gearbox wanted (having trouble finding one)

    Im in need of an lt77 gearbox as mine is making a whining noise and clunking. I can't manage to find one, I've been scouring ebay for 2 to 3 weeks now and searched forums and the internet so was wondering if anyone knew of any for sale or has one for sale. all i can find are ones with very...
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    Time for a new gearbox?

    My gearbox is making a whizzing kind of noise and is very clunky, i have nailed the noise down to the gearbox by taking a prop off and took it out of difflock so i could leave it in gear and get underneath to pinpoint it. would i need a new gearbox or could it be something else? I've just taken...
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    judering and clunking noise?

    ok, I've checked the prop shaft ujs and they are not the problem, i took the front prop off and took it for a drive and there is a metal on metal grinding noise as well as the clucking, I've been under it but just can't work out what it may be. when i let off acceleration or put the clutch in it...
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    judering and clunking noise?

    whats with no replies, is it me or am i missing something here:confused:
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    judering and clunking noise?

    it also feels like its at the front end, possibly the gear/transfer box.
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    judering and clunking noise?

    I need some help and advice my car has been shaking for a while at 40 to 50 mph but today i was driving and it lost power slightly like the clutch slipped after that it started to judder and make a small permanent grinding noise and a big clunky noise. it feels like a half shaft has gone but...