1. andrewsetchfield

    which nuts for my wheels

    many thanks.. just opened all my christmas presents.. no wheel nuts.. just a few cashews... I have a set of of road wheels when I do a bit of off roading.. but as the bus usually tootles up the motorway.. then the other wheels / tyres are better.. still tackled all the snow with no problems...
  2. andrewsetchfield

    which nuts for my wheels

    Hi. my recently aquired beast TD5 2001 has these wheels fitted I think they are from a rangerover. they are 19 inches dia. which wheel nuts should i look for as I have just bought the wheel below as a spare as the wheel on the carrier on the back was a 16 inch. I would like to mount it on the...
  3. andrewsetchfield

    Whats that whirring noise in my dash td5

    many thnaks I think I can live with it.. merry christmas all..
  4. andrewsetchfield

    Whats that whirring noise in my dash td5

    I have a Right hand drive td5. 2001. when I switch the ignition and before i start the engine there is a whirring from under the dash more or less around where the wing mirror electric switch is. sounds like an electric motor.. cant imagine what its doing.. any ideas.. just got the vehicle so...
  5. andrewsetchfield

    V8 or TDI

    I use my TD5 everyday. My journey to work is 45 miles there and 45 miles back. In this weather it does take a while to warm up. but having had a V8 rangerover a few years ago the fuel bill for the td5 is a lot less. Still fookling huge but less. I was all up for another V8 until I did my sums...
  6. andrewsetchfield

    2001 TD5 Front Fogs

    Morning all., I was turning round the other day in a tight carpark at the train station. Its was minus 10 outside and there was a pile of snow in front of me. I thought no problem.. as you would, its was only a foot high. drive up it and I could swing round.. err... NO. twas not a pile of the...
  7. andrewsetchfield

    where to put my steps?!

    Hi. I have just bought some side steps. I was wondering which landrover they should attatch to as they came without one. many thanks
  8. andrewsetchfield

    110 V8 Expertise

    Glad to be of some use. I remember more or less making most of the steel parts for the 86 inch series 1. As most of it had rusted away. if you see her about she was 755 FUV. Should have kept her. Good luck with the s11a.
  9. andrewsetchfield

    110 V8 Expertise

    Hi Had three V8's in Rangerovers and a 1958 series 1 hybrid. Superb. Trouble with starting. I had a fat spark. But found the Dizzy cap was tracking inside. also three plugs were failing under compression. Also when its dark crank it over and take a look under the bonnet to see if you can see...
  10. andrewsetchfield

    door adjusment

    Hi. I have this defender 90 and can I bu**er get the drivers door to close properly. I have to slam it really hard to get it to close. I need some tips on adjustment please. I have pratted around with shims and spacers etc for ages. If you have any tips let me know. tata
  11. andrewsetchfield

    Need Help: Battery light showing

    Be prepared for a flat battery. if the diodes have gone it will drain really fast. un plug the alternator before you go to bed. or if you have a battery master switch turn it off. been there done that dont want another t shirt ta.
  12. andrewsetchfield

    Round rubber things

    Ha... knew there was another name for those rod gadgets. Radius Arms eh. So where are my panards? Could they be the bits in my trousers then? Will heave the wheels onto the 90 This week end. Then go round in circles to see if they rub. If they do it will be a pain in the 'pandards' and I will...
  13. andrewsetchfield

    Round rubber things

    Hi I have found some round rubber things on each corner of my 90 200tdi. This was a suprise. However I have been told that they are in actual fact a requirement. Because if they were not there I could have an issue with ground clearance. Any way. They are the wheels and tyres. I have just...
  14. andrewsetchfield

    For sale

    hello. Just an observation. I have just looked at the items for sale and see some to be very old. plus some have dollar signs next to it. I am not being funny but dont you think an expiry date would be a good idea.. say 30 days from inserting the ad and/or a courtesy email from the seller to...
  15. andrewsetchfield

    LandyZone Car Stickers

    hello. Could do with 2 one of them to go over the dorises mouth and one for the back window Will send you some dosh via paypal let me know if you have some left.
  16. andrewsetchfield

    CV joints

    Hi all. I need to change the front right side CV joint as it is clicking etc I have seen these for a few quid and also for a lot more. I have been told there are a lot of cheap ones kicking around that are complete cack. Who's did you use.? Whilst i have it stripped I will change all the...
  17. andrewsetchfield

    Changing a Wheel on Defender 90

    I know I should not say this but... just in case my wife has a flat in the 90 I have a 2 bottles of that tyre foam. She can at least get home. In my last series 1 I had the wheels treated with the puncture sealant. It's in all our cars, tractors etc. Its really quite good and worth considering...
  18. andrewsetchfield


    hi yes thanks... any ideas where I amy be able to get spares?
  19. andrewsetchfield


    I am seeking information relating to the PTO fairey winch I have on my recently purchased defender 1992. The winch orks thats not the problem. I need info on the drive shafts from the PTO take off on the Gbox that links to the winch. I need some parts as it all flopping around. If anyone has any...