1. Taipan

    Vibration at approx 1750 rpm?

    Well I replaced the mounts and refitted the prop. This seemed to get rid of the main vibration at 1750 rpms (peak) but possibly moved it to just off idle? The car is certainly much smoother for refitting the prop. But I prefer way it drives without the prop. Anyway, I think at 114k the...
  2. Taipan

    The Freelander has gone and been replaced by...

    Hi All Well I think i managed to sort out all the problems with the Freelander, but to be honest I just lost heart with the car. Every noise made me and my wallet nervous and I needed to raise some cash, so I sold it. I'm not toally convinced there was anything really wrong with it and...
  3. Taipan

    I finally get the car sorted aand now she wants to sell it!

    :D You're right of course. I'm going to go in there and squeak to her about it right now!:mad: :p Apparently she doesn't want to sell it either but is being practical as we are getting married soon and hopefully moving house later this year. I dunno what the panic is, we've been together 15...
  4. Taipan

    I finally get the car sorted aand now she wants to sell it!

    Since we've had the its had a few minor problems like vibration, vague steering etc. I finally get these probelsm sorted out and now the Mrs tells me its got to go. ho hum!:rolleyes:
  5. Taipan

    Cool Runnings

    Our car takes ages to warm up. But the temp gauge sits around half way to 3/4 when warm? I wonder if that a part seized thermostat?
  6. Taipan

    Vibration at approx 1750 rpm?

    Funnily enough that is next weekends job, to check the shoes etc. You're right, I should have pulled the handbrake up a notch to check if it was that. The old memory is errr just that!:o :D No. I do have a bearing whirring noise coming from the o/s/f. Sound slike my Renault Scenic did when it...
  7. Taipan

    Vibration at approx 1750 rpm?

    Well i put the prop back on and the real shuddeing vibration has gone. But it eesm to have moved down to even lower revs. Sorrt of each gear change you feel it. Anyway, I've just been out in it and its seems to be making a different type of vibration. I'm not sure I have the vcu mounts squarely...
  8. Taipan

    Vibration at approx 1750 rpm?

    I'm just going outside to fit the prop noww. So Ill have a check of that whilst i'm under there. :)
  9. Taipan

    Vibration at approx 1750 rpm?

    That's interesting. \i'm refitting the prop assembly tomorrow, I wonder what, if any, diference it will make? It must stop some fore aft movement of the engine I suppose? Hmmm...
  10. Taipan

    Freelander MPG

    That's teh weird thing. Despite te headaches with the vibration problem I still like the car. Mrs Taipan loves it and wont hear of its disposal. If I could just nail ths damn vibration problem..... Mind you, then what would I do with my weekends?;) :D
  11. Taipan

    Vibration at approx 1750 rpm?

    The juddery clutch is just on the initial couple of pull aways and isn't bad, just noticeable. I cant say I've noticed a drop in power, but i'm pretty gentle with cold engines. My vibration is there every time and all the time. I think its mechanical and not harmonic. I was excited when I...
  12. Taipan

    Freelander MPG

    Actually you migt be right. I think it is better than that. Mrs T reckons it s a lot better than my ol' Xantia and that gives about 35mpg. I disrespected my Freelander.:eek: Serves it right. I'll give it vibration!:mad: :D
  13. Taipan

    Snows here and my 4wd is 2wd!

    Not that lucky. I'm on a motorbike the wife has the car!:D I took the prop assembly off to eliminate that side of things whilst searching for teh cause of teh vibration. The car drove so much better in 2wd I left it like that with the intention of refitting it for winter. And err well err here...
  14. Taipan

    Snows here and my 4wd is 2wd!

    Snows here and my 4wd is 2wd and its way too cold to lay under motors refitting props.:o My how I laughed at the ol Freebie struggling for grip up the hill this morning!:D Its going to happen isn't it. The Freelander is going to get stuck and towed out by a Ka or suchlike!:( :o :D
  15. Taipan

    Freelander MPG

    Our Xedi returns about 35 mpg.:) Mind you Mrs Taipan is such a slow driver, if you had decent pair of Nikes on you could beat her away from the lights!:rolleyes: :D
  16. Taipan

    freelander troubles

    Do you not have a multi meter? If you do put it across the battery terminals and run the engine. Put some load on, i.e. lights, heated rear window etc and then see what voltage reading you get. You may need to raise the revs slightly but you should get between 13.8 - 14.4 volts if the alternator...
  17. Taipan

    freelander troubles

    Ok, You really need to disable the alarm to do this and also know your radio code. Disconnect the battery earth lead. Put a multimeter inline between the terminal and a chassis earth point and see if you get a reading when everything is switched off. If you do get a reading then something is...
  18. Taipan

    Vibration at approx 1750 rpm?

    Apparently not. In another forum a millyon miles away from here they answered this very question thus; I think it only applies to the petrol model. If you compare the two pics attached, the petrol and diesel moutnings aren't the same
  19. Taipan

    Cheap tyres.

    Hi All I notice a few threads on here about tyres lately. When I was looking for mine I found this place to be unbeatable? Might be worth a look if you're after new tyres? But dont forget that is mail order and you'll have to pay foir fittingat your local tyre place, unless you fit your own...
  20. Taipan

    Vibration at approx 1750 rpm?

    You'd be right too!:D Now I cant get in the car without telling everyone to be quiet as I push my face against the windscreen trying to listen and pinpoint the noise!:o :rolleyes: I've decided when it vibrates I can hear the resonator thing vibrating etc. So I'm going to follow the advice...