1. G

    Anyone know this truck E186 EFO?

    I'd leave it pretty well as it is....looks good. If you get bored with the holes (no pun intended) it's easy to swap out the bonnet, and as you say use grommets to fill some of the others.
  2. G

    Ignition light - faint glow

    Now it's a bit darker I've spotted my ignition light has a faint glow when driving - its on a 90 with an ex-disco 200TDi - any thoughts on cause and quick fixes plse? Cheers (I loathe electrics...)
  3. G

    Alternative fuels

    I'm sure there must be threads on here somewhere about alternative fuels so rather than start a new thread about them, can anybody point me in the direction of old threads on fuel alternatives for a 200TDi plse? (I've tried a search but cam up with nought...prob me being useless) ....PLEASE...
  4. G

    Changing a 2.5 petrol to a 2.5 n/a

    Me too, downhill, wind behind me, in neutral....:lol:
  5. G

    Changing a 2.5 petrol to a 2.5 n/a

    I've been toying with swapping my petrol lump for a 200TDi but if I assume the petrol does 18 to 20 mpg and the diesel will do around 26mpg (I know people say 30 but realistically with an old TDi it's going to be lower) then I save about 3.8p per mile at the current diesel/petrol prices. So if...
  6. G

    Smoky petrol on starting

    Thanks - That's kinda what i thought but my hope was it only does it occasionally so it might be carb related. Head-off job then this autumn.
  7. G

    Smoky petrol on starting

    Got a petrol 90, so posted here as it is n/a. it runs well and starts well from cold but when it's hot it is a bit reluctant to start sometimes (not always). When it is reluctant it will then start with a big cloud of grey/blue smoke (no smoke at any other time). It's 2.5L with the twin choke...
  8. G

    Craddocks/Exmoor - great service!!

    just thought I ought to give praise where it's due... I had an issue with a tilt I bought for my 90, I referred this back to Craddocks who in turn went back to Exmoor Trim. Having seen photos of my issue they offered and sent me a complete replacement. Excellent service and no quibbles.:clap2...
  9. G

    South - fitters to put a 200tdi into a 90?

    No, not yet as I thought I'd try and find someone who might do it and discuss with them whether they will source engine/bits needed (Steve Parker stuff for example) etc or me.
  10. G

    South - fitters to put a 200tdi into a 90?

    Hi - anyone know of a good, not over expensive place to get a 200TDi fitted into a petrol 90 in the South (I'm near Southampton/Salisbury but within 50 miles or so is good)? Thanks (I know a lot of people do it themselves but I'm short of time/space/tools)
  11. G

    CWS 200Tdi Kit - anyone used one?

    Has anyone here any experience of a CWS 200Tdi kit to fit into a petrol 90? They're not cheap but come with (quote) 'Everything you should need to convert' So by the time I buy a 200Tdi engine for say £600 plus all the bits I'm probably getting close to a grand, these have a 3 month warranty so...
  12. G

    Shrunken exmoor tilt

    Bought a new Exmoor tilt last October - kept it tight all winter as instructed but it has shrunk a lot. So much so that there are now gaps by the b-pillar and it doesn't quite reach the end of the truck. The rear blind is now also 2 inches short. Pretty poor really. I've written to them and...
  13. G

    best soundproofing/ insulation ideas? techniques?

    My advice is don't spend a lot.....I did and it made very little difference really - certainly not worth what I spent. The design of the defender is such that you're always in close contact with the engine, transmission and road plus the panels are not designed with noise reduction in mind so...
  14. G

    Replace Ignition switch on 90

    Cheers all - will try later this week.
  15. G

    Replace Ignition switch on 90

    There's hope for me...!!! I'd been thinking about this most of the day and on the way home tonight I actually stopped at the ironmongers (we still have one here) and bought a new centre punch as I've lost mine to see if that will do the job on the bolts. Great minds and all that....thanks.
  16. G

    Replace Ignition switch on 90

    Thanks. You are right that it is the lock - I was sloppy in my description and what I have bought is the full lock and switch unit and that's what I want to replace, as I can't get to the back of the unit to get the screws off. Just wondered 1) if there are any hidden problems in changing the...
  17. G

    Replace Ignition switch on 90

    I need to put in a new ignition switch as the one in there has stopped clicking back (I guess some spring has gone) and I've got a new unit for £26 so not bad. Trouble is the old one is secured with two shear bolts - for obvious reasons - and Haynes helpfully says use a chisel or suitable tool...
  18. G

    Defenders in accidents....

    There was a paragraph in one of the LR mags a few months ago saying the 90/110 was the vehicle you were least likely to die in in an accident - done on insurance stats. From memory I think the mini was the one you were most likely to be kiiled in if you had an accident. This from Land Rover...
  19. G

    200tdi with glow plugs not connected

    Hi - I'm thinking about putting a 200 tdi into my petrol 90 and have found someone who works on landys who has done a few of these. He reckons its not worth the effort of wiring in the glow plugs as the TDi is a great motor that will always start in this country without pre-heating. I'm...
  20. G

    Are Defenders Warm? What Can I Buy?

    The only advantage of running a petrol engine in my 90 is that it is so inefficient it generates a lot more heat than the TD5 90 I had for a while so the heater works well (but in my TD5 it was purely ornamental). It almost makes all the petrol I use worthwhile....