1. T

    Is my 300Tdi worth saving?

    I would learn myself, but I know nothing about cars. Anyone around Berks/Bucks who knows how to weld - I make a mean bacon sarnie! :D Seriously though, how would I get under the car? One of those skateboard things?
  2. T

    Is my 300Tdi worth saving?

    Exactly, £950 (well, not £950 because that seems to much) should "buy" me a newly welded LR. That's what I've been saying for years! :D I am not letting my husband loose with a welder, I'd be better at it than him ! :mil90: Tempting.... I was afraid someone would say staple gun the lining...
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    Is my 300Tdi worth saving?

    I should add the welding is the tip of the iceberg - the rooflining is like a mexican hat on my head, my husband tried to fix the central locking and broke a door card and the boot door card, I need the small glass pane replacing of the rear door (cheaper to get a whole door it seems from...
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    Is my 300Tdi worth saving?

    I'll ask the local college, thanks. I read about someone doing that and was planning to ask them to use husbands v12 banger, er, Jag as a practise car already :rolleyes: Is that a typo? I am not welding my own car. Ikea flatpack is the peak of my skills. I think you meant someone might do it...
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    Is my 300Tdi worth saving?

    It's been a leech since about day 3 when the gearbox died (2.5k to recon it and do other "stuff" :rolleyes:). That was Dec 2005 and I dare not total up what we have spent on in since (in for a penny, eh?) but it always made more sense to fork out the few hundred/odd grand here and there (:doh...
  6. T

    New discovery driver - can someone talk me through the basics please?

    I am new to this forum so please excuse me if I am in the wrong place. I have had a 300tdi for 5 years now but only just started driving it :rolleyes: and I am afraid to say I know next to nothing. I get the general idea, 5 gears & reverse :p but the gear nob type thing infront of my gear nob...