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    I get mayo on my SJ413 oil cap.. I know.... SJ :wtf: lol anyways... I did a full service less then 100mile ago with oil and blueprint filter. I only do short runs to and from work, 2mile each way.. I think the best run its had is around 20 minutes so its not even beginning to get warm on my...
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    Green laning in Sawtry, Peterborough

    Yeah, Ray.....peters dad... he will be at tixova this sunday but Im unsure if he will help as he has a bad back and therefore limited as to what he can do... but he really knows his stuff with landrovers....but maybe if you ask he can offer some help and advice?
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    so are you up for a little dander through the countrside this weekend? I will probably go and...

    so are you up for a little dander through the countrside this weekend? I will probably go and see what its all about... I can bring the maps along and maybe after the drive we could stop at a pub and have a pint and look at anouther route? let me know... saturday would be good.. as I may go off...
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    Green laning in Sawtry, Peterborough

    hi all, just spoke to my mate, peter... I think he is going with his dad this weekend so you may see him there, not to sure if I will go yet but otherwise if I dont take my sj I will just tag along woth them.... look out for the range rover V8... custom... its going down on trailer pulled by a...
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    No, Ive never driven any of them but peakirk is very very mild, just a gravel track but pretty...

    No, Ive never driven any of them but peakirk is very very mild, just a gravel track but pretty long.... so shouldn't have any issue, I baught 2 maps, OS land ranger 1:25,000 and a OS explorer map at 1:50,000 (just waiting to receive explorer) you clearly see all the lanes... what you then have...
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    Green laning in Sawtry, Peterborough

    in not sure they will go this weeekend as peters girlfriend is in labour..... but they plan on going on the 28th I think... I will post the place a soon as I know...
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    Green laning in Sawtry, Peterborough

    in wisbeach, ist not a bad play site, very muddy and slippery with some tricky areas.... a bloke owns it and changes it every so often... haven't been there in a few month.....
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    Green laning in Sawtry, Peterborough

    Hi pal, I dont think Ill be at tixova, just a bit tight for cash this month for xmas and all maybe going on 28th i think? I also have problem getting to tixova with my stuff as I need my friend to take my MT wheels on his trailer (they get ruined driving on rd) so I have to drive on one set...
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    hi pal, yeah I would be up for that... Im in Werrington peterborough so close to peakirk...

    hi pal, yeah I would be up for that... Im in Werrington peterborough so close to peakirk alread.... what do you drive? and where do you live? I have already spoke to the top dog at peterborough CC he said its ok to use Peakirk, but not Thorney as its to wet or suv-ey wood (not a byway,map error)...
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    Green laning in Sawtry, Peterborough

    Hi all... new to the site..... Im asking the same question as everyone else... where can I go green laning in or local to peterborough... I need to start off with very mild stuff as I only have an SJ and no Friends to come alonge.. boo.hoo.... I am new to the sport and just want to tinker...