1. 1

    Series 3 ACU - SU Carb Powerplus kit - Here at last!

    When I last looked I ran a small mail-order company. Not a dizzy in sight. I have no issue with you. I don't do my own dentistry, I freely admit I know zilch. I find a pro. Minded to this, best not put false information on Dentistry forums, and I can't imagine why I would? When we don't...
  2. 1

    Poor quality Stainless steel exhaust

    Double S is fine. Not best but good enough. Expect 15 years minimum. Why do you expect it to shine? It's not a sink or a mirror. It will 'grey' soon enough. Make sure fit is A1, else it'll fracture with fatigue, not rot. Put proper clips on, not the cheapies. If you go to your local fabricator...
  3. 1

    Electric fuel pump or not

    Not sure I understand the question. Why worry? Buy the cheapest you can find on eBay. Only it's not like you're putting too much demand on it, is it? Electric saves the faff of the mech. lift pump. Pump is a pump is a pump. I'd have sited it nearer the tank, more so if it's a rear tank 109. You...
  4. 1

    Series 3 ACU - SU Carb Powerplus kit - Here at last!

    Er.. read again. I have had real success, this success took far more than a carb change, and dizzy fitment. The gains you speak of are flat impossible if that's all you've done. Tuning of this kind takes getting more air through an engine, and it's very clear you've done none of this. Until you...
  5. 1

    Series 3 ACU - SU Carb Powerplus kit - Here at last!

    I have a full ACR kit, it's good only it's not that good! It’s a head, cam, carb and extractor manifold. With the full kit maybe.... Whereas this is a simple carb-swap? You’ve not shown how you’re getting more air in the engine, the carb will only meter what you already have, only better. You...
  6. 1

    Series 3 Electronic Ignition 123- vs- Britpart

    ================ Having spent 300.- euros on the 123 unit, it eventually drive me bonkers, no one, not even the manufacturers could tell me which one of the advance curves to use it was all a bit hit and miss. ================ Just had a look at this - 123Ignition's SWITCH variant. With 15...
  7. 1

    Series 3 Electronic Ignition 123- vs- Britpart

    Agreed, you have a point to some extent, yet you write as if yours was a perfect solution. Each is a compromise. Be ready to sob your heart out.. 'happy days' for now, there's dark days ahead for diesel. Not if but when. Unless you've been living under a rock, thus not seen the accelerating...
  8. 1

    Series 3 Electronic Ignition 123- vs- Britpart

    Seems Roland at ACR now sells 123ignition. He knows more than most on how to get grunt out of these,
  9. 1

    Unknown Series heater Mod - Anyone recognise?

    Country? Assume UK. It's RHD. I've little or no information on this, about a 12 month back, browsing eBay (UK) as you do, and there it was... sorry, you know what I know.
  10. 1

    Unknown Series heater Mod - Anyone recognise?

    Seen on eBay, and sold by a trader hence he didn't know much. Q: Engine is a 17H Petrol. 2.5. What's that heater-body? I want one! I suspect, come Feb we all will.
  11. 1

    200tdi in a series ?

    Of course, if our typical 'run' is 10-15 mins driving, and that's about it, don't suppose it matters what we have in there. Noise for 15 mins might not be nice, yet do-able for most of us. I'll never understand those that have engine-choice based on economy, when they don't drive 'em. Like the...
  12. 1

    Series 3 Fuel tank

    Agreed. New, I've seen them all, none fit properly. Not on 109s anyway, can't speak for 88s,
  13. 1

    200tdi in a series ?

    200tdi in a series ? (sic) Are we sure? Each to his own I suppose but er... why? Rather you than me. Most have seen the error of their ways, and about now, along with V8s, are taking these back out? Agreed, it's quick, cheap grunt, this'd be why back-in-the-day these had knuckle-dragger...
  14. 1

    no head gasket series 3 1975

    If he ever does find it, should leave it as a family heirloom.
  15. 1

    no head gasket series 3 1975

    Reckon you're on to something. Says here, if he removes the cylinder-head all together - less weight see... it's a 64.73% power-increase. Have we tried looking down the back of the sofa?
  16. 1

    no head gasket series 3 1975

    I don't understand how this is even a question? How do we answer if it pops up and says "Hello, my name's Brian."?
  17. 1

    Series 3 Weber 32/34 DTML on 2.25 petrol vapour lock woes

    Agreed, as my last post - at the start of this thread the knuckle-draggers had their finger pointed at the one thing - assuming correct install - it won't be; that Vapour separator NRC9772 . I only raised the issue in case there IS an install issue. Seems there isn't. This may be a...
  18. 1

    How do we mount a starting handle?

    I've none of these clips. Done differently again? Seen in a Youtube vid, what's the clip - indicated green arrow' doing?
  19. 1

    How do we mount a starting handle?

    is this an accurate pic of how it's done 'civvy''?
  20. 1

    How do we mount a starting handle?

    I've found an image for it fitted here Not all that sure I'm wiser? Don't know too much about the 'Walt' end of LR ownership. Those clips look over-centre type. Bit dear though.