1. I

    Freelander vcu

    Hi tad and all, For a VCU to go from "siezed" to "free" (and working correctly)with a bang, sounds odd to me, and not really consistent with the internals of a VCU. Mondos advice to go on grass and see if you still have any drive at all to the rear is sound. If your VCU has in fact gone from...
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    i think my vcu is gone what now

    Hi, Endorse your sentiments wholeheartedly.--- Given the pain it is to split the UJ's from the VCU, cant imagine why you wouldn't just drop the whole lot, front & rear props, VCU and all, and separate it on the bench if need be! All the talk about the VCU being dangerously heavy, seems a bit...
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    i think my vcu is gone what now

    hi, from what I can see only the yellow line on the right is of interest ( the one underneath the "AT" in DAIHATSU. If your VCU is not totally siezed,, that line should split at the point where the input shaft goes into the VCU body--- everything else is rigid. Cheers Ian Hughes Tassie
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    abs light on?

    Hi, The Freelander owners manual says the ABS light comes on at startup and stays on until the vehicle reaches 5kph (or some low speed). If it stays on longer you may have reason to worry! Cheers Ian Hughes Tassie
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    TD4 stiff when reversing..

    Hi Stuart, A bit paranoid is probably not paranoid enough!!! Your symptoms sound like a classic siezed (or siezing) VCU. The VCU test should be done in gear, front wheels on the ground,(to lock the front half) and try to steadily (no jerking now!!) turn one raised back wheel. (hand brake off)...
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    tyre swap

    This wears out the oldest rubber first and keeps the rear axle moving slightly faster keeping the VCU happy.</p>Dont wish to seem overly pedantic (or worse still a bit of a smartarse) but putting newer and hence bigger rolling diam tyres on the rear slows the rear prop shaft down which is a...
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    Mondo mode =2wd / 4wd

    Hi MHM, Had a look at the description of the X-Trail system ---looks pretty good if one were starting from scratch! -- not sure how it would go being adapted in toto mechanicals/electrics/electronics and all onto a FL. As luck would have it we have a house guest staying for a couple of days and...
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    Mondo mode =2wd / 4wd

    Hi All, The switchable 2wd/4wd mod saga continues. I posted a bunch of stuff on a thread late last year (2wd/4wd is it? or something like that) If you look at this thread you can see the details -- basically it was to make up a vacuum driven, solenoid switched, spline/sleeve arrangement...
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    Tyre effect.

    Hi Mad hat man, "It is" what? Smartarsey, true or both? Cheers Ian Hughes Tassie
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    Tyre effect.

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    4 wheel drive - is it?

    Re diff ratios -- have mused over it -- however I am sure I have seen somewhere in an earlier life (last year maybe on another site) that LR achieved the effect of minimising the difference between front and rear diff ratios, by altering the effective front diff ratio in the IRD !!!! From my...
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    4 wheel drive - is it?

    Hi All from deep and darkest tasmania. After giving my mech eng man what I thought was a decent break over the Xmas/New Year period, contacted him yesterday to see if he had finished my 2wd/4wd selector unit!! Not surprisingly he hadn't, but surprisingly ( and more than disappointingly) hadn't...
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    Urgent Help Needed Please!

    STOP PRESS !!!! Ignore my last advice. The switches can be pushed out from behind, through the front on the console allowing the wiring plug to be removed and switches swapped over/shorted out etc as a diagnostic tool. The last bit about smoke smells still holds true! Sorry if I caused any...
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    Urgent Help Needed Please!

    If the dash/console layout is the same as the 98, the switches are accessible from the rear/sides of the console (with slim hands!) The switches can be eased/pushed from the front back through the console and removed from the rear. Switches normally burnout fairly cleanly on their contacts...
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    help !!

    I bought an after market boot from an LR/Jag (non dealer) specialist maintenance shop in Tassie who gets them from a CV joint refurbishment house. With squillions of Freelanders in UK, there must be someone doing CV joint refurbishing, and at a price difference of several hundred quid between a...
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    help !!

    When I bought a second hand complete prop shaft/VCU assembly, the front cv joint had in it what looked more like heavy dark brown engine oil, rather than the typical moly type greases that go into Subys etc. If the cv is still oK you should be able to buy an after market "boot", and fit it...
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    Ian's 2WD/4WD switch

    Here it is --the thread you've all been waiting for!!!! At Mad Hat Man's suggestion (and in keeping with the new politically correct "non thread hijacking" protocol), a new thread tracking the (admittedly somewhat laboured till now) progress of my Freelander 2wd/4wd project. For preliminary...
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    Can I really go 2wd?

    There is a bit of stuff on my vcu replacement project (including some pics of the internal components and a description of what we hope to end up with) on the thread "4 wheel drive - is it?" last posting was by boxer on 15th sep. In essence I have collected the main components of the 4 wheel...
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    Can I really go 2wd?

    Just do it!! (Drop the full prop shaft/vcu assembly that is), the freebie will run quietly, smoothly, no tyre scrubbling, no baulking at turning slowly in reverse, no IRD and Diffs grounding themselves into swarf, etcetc. just dont go offroad!! i dropped my VCU a couple of months back and was...