1. W

    Brake light issues

    Havent been in that deep water as far as I can recall. I'll take the lense off and have a butchers. It seems a little of to me that the brake lights are in the bumper, I'd have put the brake lights where the fog lights are if I'd have designed it!
  2. W

    Brake light issues

    I have a rather strange problem with my brake lights. I had a new brake light switch fitted as my brake lights were not working. Ive just noticed that when i press the brake pedal, the left hand fog light comes on, the right hand fog light comes on dimly, and the brake light on the spare...
  3. W

    why are defender drivers...

    I like the way he set up a fan behind him, maybe he thought "this could get heated, might need some extra cooling" - the similarities between that pic and a Freelander...lol
  4. W

    Rear seat stuck down

    i had the same problem, Its correct that the back wont return unless the seat has locked onto the bar on the floor of the boot. I removed the plastic cover that covers the mechanism that secures to the hook on the boot floor then i figured out how it worked and saw that one bit was jammed, a...
  5. W

    why are defender drivers...

    ...right arms so tanned? Ill let you into a secret, the steering wheels in Defenders are about 2 inchs away from the drivers side window. So nearly all defender drivers have to drive with the window down and their arm sticking out. I cant drive past one now without looking at the crazy...
  6. W

    Exhaust manifold

    Took the car to local garage today, the collet between the cat and the exhaust had broken, they welded it up and charged me £20. Thanks for all the helpful replies.
  7. W

    Exhaust manifold

    Today while driving my 1.8 freelander suddenly sounded like a monster truck. I guessed my exhaust had fallen apart somewhere. The sound is coming from the very front of the car, so im guessing (i cant really see much from above or below) that the manifold has gone or blown a hole in itself, or...
  8. W

    freelander 1.8 gs

    are you saying what i said was wrong? knackered vcu gives poor fuel economy, his gs has poor fuel economy, so i suggested he get it checked.
  9. W

    Brill in snow

    you little bastard. That Rick Roll hit me square in the face.
  10. W

    Brill in snow

    Sorry to hijack, but if we are posting random rally clips, then this is some of the best driving ive seen. straight out of the 80's YouTube - E30 Rally
  11. W

    Brill in snow

    did anyone else think it was going to smash through the gate to the left?! I think that would have looked far cooler!
  12. W

    Brill in snow

    Bet it was warmer than in the old defender too! We havent had enough snow to test it yet, but its gone everywhere ive asked it to so far.
  13. W

    Disco Drivers are a nuisance.

    Bring it on Disckovery dicks! YouTube - Disco vs. Freelander
  14. W

    freelander 1.8 gs

    theres a thread in the main freelander section, but basically its the thing that controls the ratio of 4 wheel drive, how much power goes to the back ect. It if gone, then the freelander is stuck in 4 wheel drive which uses more fuel, it also makes the prop shafts fight against each other which...
  15. W

    160bhp K series?

    made me LOL that. I meant in the engine bay, obviously
  16. W

    freelander 1.8 gs

    mine was using shed loads of petrol until i got the VCU sorted, now its quicker and uses less fuel.
  17. W

    freelander 1.8 gs

    you always this helpful?
  18. W

    160bhp K series?

    I know there is a model of the MG MGF/TF that has a 1,8L 160 bhp K series engine. Has anyone ever put one of these in a freelander?
  19. W

    Disco Drivers are a nuisance.

    I like the way the freelander looks, i also like the way the defender looks, but the disco? its pretty ugly you have to admit....
  20. W

    Disco Drivers are a nuisance.

    I hope you have all enjoyed this thread, wasnt meant in a major serious way, just some light hearted **** taking to provide and entertaining thread for the evening, that said, my freelander looks cooler than a disco. major.