1. R

    Thank goodness its all in the past now

    Happy days :D That pile of crap I had called a Freelander was sold today. I feel sorry for you people, paying out hand over fist to keep your sorry excuse for a vehicle on the road. No more huge bills and waiting for something else to go BANG Get rid, get happy and get a proper...
  2. R

    Fitting Front Fog Light Kit ?

    Sorry no pics to busy fitting the fogs. The fogs were the integrated type that fit flush with the bumper
  3. R

    Time to panic or paranoia

    Topped it up last night, drove to work and back today. Checked it after it all cooled down and level is fine. Still paranoid about the HG going, along with the other failures and faults that might happen, so it is getting traded in tomorrow. 3 months of worry and £1500 on bills is...
  4. R

    Time to panic or paranoia

    Will do and report back tomorrow Thanks
  5. R

    Time to panic or paranoia

    Due to the ongoing Head Gasket failure on the 1.8, I check my coolant level every couple of days or so. For the past 6 months or more the level has been sitting on the Max line, no problem at all. Shock horror, after only checking it on Monday, I checked this afternoon and it has dropped to...
  6. R


    Anyone know of a decent warranty that covers all the faults that our beloved freelanders have. At a reasonable price !
  7. R

    Fitting Front Fog Light Kit ?

    I have now fitted the fog light kit and it works a treat. In answer to my own question, I removed the binacle over the instrument panel and follwed the existing lead so far and then gave up when it disappeared into the main loom. As there was no lead into the back of the fuse box I used the...
  8. R

    Fitting Front Fog Light Kit ?

    Hello All, Just got a front fog light kit and when I was looking at where everything goes I popped off the blank front fog light switch on the dash and found wiring already attached to it. However the wiring supplied with the kit also has the same wiring. Could it be that the wiring is...
  9. R

    Strange Vibration

    You could be spot on there I had a very slight vibration beforehand , nothing really noticable, so I got the wheels balanced and it has been worse ever since. Took it back to the garage that balanced the wheels and got the usual garble, brake disc warped etc. Naff all wrong with the brake...
  10. R

    Strange Vibration

    In answer to your reply Done 26k miles No off road use Colour - Blue, can't see what difference that makes LOL
  11. R

    Strange Vibration

    I have a strange vibration which is a bit hard to describe. When driving at any speed there is a vibration which is felt through the steering wheel. It gets progressively worse at over 40mph and seems to build up and the whole vehicle vibrates. It feels like I am driving over a really rough...
  12. R

    Hello and know any good off road sites?

    Thank you for the welcome Jobs a good un I am sure that with all the unfortunate problems that arise on this forum, that a piece of divine intervention would not go amiss. Owning a 1.8 does require some faith, bless you all LOL Still need some dirt to play in though
  13. R

    Hello and know any good off road sites?

    Hello, New member just saying hello..........so hi Just got to try my freelander off road, does anyone know of any off road areas / tracks etc in the East Lothian area.......(That is near Edinburgh) Ta