1. N

    Need good pics of Army Wolf

    LOL, like the paranoia :-) Right, firstly, film directors are not God's nor generals, we don't just pick up a phone and pick out one of the thousand people that owe us favours and thats it, if your in Hollywood maybe, but the British film industry is tiny. We self fund our projects, and...
  2. N

    Need good pics of Army Wolf

    Yeh I have done, I know exactly what the wolf's look like and pretty much how to build one (that would look right for film, not be functional for military use). That isn't the issue, what I need is high res images of all the little details, such as the dashboard, the SA80 racks between the...
  3. N

    Need good pics of Army Wolf

    Hi guys, new to forums, had land rovers for years, I am also a film director and have used land rovers in both the feature films I have made so far. My new film is being set in present day Iraq and I need to built a current wolf spec that the british army would be using, so big roll cage, no...