1. D

    Alarm Fault..

    Thanks..but neither seems to have this sensor in their parts selection. Any other suggestions before i part with £150 for a new sensor...
  2. D

    alarm problem

    It could be your motion sensor or the conection to it that are failing. It is placed inside your cabin or the in the head liner. Easy test: 1.get someone to sit inside your car 2. superlock it from outside, 3. wait until alarm led in the dash stops flashing rapidly, 4. have your testperson move...
  3. D

    RR frq ??

    Thanks, since my initial post i have fitted a switch, and for some reason when i switch off the RF unit all signals stops...:confused: If it is the proximity detector alarm that are generating the signal, should it not continue transmitting when the RF unit is off ? DSEDRV
  4. D

    Alarm Fault..

    Hi All My "Alarm Fault" have just started to flash, and a quick search indicates that it is the interior motionsensor that are faulty. My local LR dealer wants 1500 Dkr ( £150 ) for a new one, and since prices on parts in general are three times higher here than in the UK, i was wondering if...
  5. D

    RR frq ??

    Hi All For some time i have batteling the classic, "unexplained battery drain problem" on my 97 DSE. I have disconnected the antenna for the RF unit, but it dident cure the problem. So i went and borrowed a frq scanner in order to locate any disturbing frq from other electric devices in my...
  6. D

    Sensor part numbers ?

    Thanks for both replys. I have tried ( and failed ) to reach the green sensor by hand. any hints as to how to unplug it ? Furthermore when the sensor is unplugged, the computer is tricked to trigger the glowplugs, as described by Clutchdust, and then the engine will start anyway. So how is it...
  7. D

    Range Rover handbook?

    You can download it for free here.. http://www.ownerinfo.landrover.com/extfree2viewlrprod/index.jsp hope that is what you are looking for ?
  8. D

    Sensor part numbers ?

    Hi All Long time reader, first time posting. My 97 DSE is starting to show some of the faults that seems all to common on this model. Most annoying though is the hot starting fault, 10-15 sec of crank before it fires when warm, and somtimes even cranking to the point where the battery runs out...