1. S

    Hi Folks 300 Auto fueling questions

    Right i think i understand! Is this something you could do for us if i supplied all the parts? Warwick
  2. S

    Hi Folks 300 Auto fueling questions

    Thanks for clarifying that. So would you maybe suggest talking to remote key ltd or someone like that. Fromt what i have read it is only the green box (alarm ECU) and the plipper that you need to have as a pair???????? So essentially you could buy an EDC Auto engine and wiring harness from me...
  3. S

    Hi Folks 300 Auto fueling questions

    Hi Guys, I run a specialist land rover breakers in Shropshire and i have just searched for myself on here and there are some nice encouraging comments which is nice, thanks. Anyhow......... We buy CAT B write off cars as many breakers do, most of the time we get keys for the cars we buy but...