1. jadahunt

    green lane info

    Dear all, I’m now getting my head around green lanning, boats, off roading whatever you want to call it. The red tape involved in getting access to these lanes is getting more and more difficult, I have just taken delivery of quite a few shiny new OS map and there is a lane clearly defined on...
  2. jadahunt

    hey you how did the show go ??

    hey you how did the show go ??
  3. jadahunt

    Why do it

    no wander we have trouble lanning when there are these tits out there fooking it all up for the rest of us. may a thousand fleas infest their ass hole !
  4. jadahunt

    anyone up for a little trip out around Bewdley

    lol, well it looks like it's the ciderhouse then lol, 90 i'll pm ya to see if you can point me in the right direction. and as i said i will most def join you on one of your trips soon. its a long story i'll explain when we finally hook up. i'm waiting for me OS map to arrive but i have looked on...
  5. jadahunt

    anyone up for a little trip out around Bewdley

    hi all, was wandering if anyone fancy a little trip out this week around Bewdley, nr Bridgnorth. if your up for a short trip let me know, I have yet to find some lanes but apparently there are a few around by the Ciderhouse, so any local knowledge would be of great help. get in touch:blabla:
  6. jadahunt

    Landy Zone Map

    I'm on it now, can't nick my landy cos the fekin thing wow start !
  7. jadahunt

    Wales Trip November

    **** **** bolocks n ****, i've got the kids on both the september and november dates otherwise i would have soooooo have tagged along, i may pm ya 90 if thats ok to see if i can pick ya brain on a little trail to do in the mean time. i'll keep checking for dates i can join a group
  8. jadahunt

    Daily use of my '72 S3 - crazy?

    i have to agree with all that has been said, personally I check dif levels, oil levels, and coolant levels every other day ( at least twice a week for engine levels). I would recommend regular diff, gearbox, and oil changes. Grease wheel bearings and replace as soon as they start to rumble. Keep...
  9. jadahunt

    my new series three

    o yeh, real posh, they even deliver our meal tokens, we dont have to get them from the post office like the othere scrubbers !!! lol
  10. jadahunt

    my new series three

    pmsl, Sirus. well you know we only got electricity a few years ago, after being wired up to the national grid, and i'm having carpets fited next month, only in the front though dont want to go mad, sticking to me tiles round the rest of the house.
  11. jadahunt

    my new series three

    thanks Dr Pepper, and i have to agree the passat has already been in several times for crap quality. the spots on the bumper are LR ones n the ones on the roof are for bringing planes down lol
  12. jadahunt

    my new series three

    here she is the new love of my life, in prety good nick just got her through the mot after a bit of welding here n there, thinking of check plating the rear and dropping some new folding bech seats in the rear, just tarted up the wheels, and gave her a good going over, wire brushed (with a drill...
  13. jadahunt

    Hiya every 1 im new on ear and im from WOLVERHAMPTON

    hi all ooooo got the landy bug now lol, i'm in halesowen :welcome:
  14. jadahunt

    Couple of veg oil questions

    wow, i never knew this, so i could run my series 3 2.25d on this system ???? without any mods ????:confused:
  15. jadahunt

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    just mopped out the carp pool which had built up during todays rain from the drivers footwell !!!! another little leak to find !:croc:
  16. jadahunt

    i want to joining laning club.

    boo! where over here in front ! lol :welcome2:
  17. jadahunt

    a series 3 newbee here west mids looking for a decent club

    superb, will do drop me a line when your going and if you dont mind i'll tag along, so you go to any clubs or meets anything like that ?
  18. jadahunt

    a series 3 newbee here west mids looking for a decent club

    Well I have finally done it, talked the missus round (o dear a lot of shoes n hand bags later) and got me a series 3 landy 2.25 diesel 82 on y plate with 36k up her. Just got her through the MOT and looking forward to having some dirty fun with her (the landy not the missus). I was hoping you...