1. T

    FL1 TD4 5 Door 2001 CCU

    So finally we have it sorted. Adam at AT Autoworks in Hatcheston, Suffolk collected my TD4 from my place two days ago on Monday morning and left me a car on the drive if needed. Adam phoned about mid afternoon that day and told me he'd found a dry joint on one of the supplies to the cabin fuse...
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    FL1 TD4 5 Door 2001 CCU

    Thanks, noted and added into the 'wetware' database currently under construction :)
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    FL1 TD4 5 Door 2001 CCU

    Thanks again and will do. Could it be that the replacement CCU wasn't getting a synch'd key signal to send on to the ECU and alarm module? Do you think that I'll need to - a) Get my current keys synch'd with whatever properly working CCU gets fitted in the end? or b) Do I just get a...
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    FL1 TD4 5 Door 2001 CCU

    Thanks again, I've written a fuller update below but just wanted to say here that your presumption seems correct as after fitting the replacement CCU (00030) the engine ignition wouldn't work either so I refitted the old CCU (00031) which in turn enabled me to get back to a driveable vehicle...
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    FL1 TD4 5 Door 2001 CCU

    Fitted all the bolts and made no difference when turning the key, symptoms presenting same as my original post. I'm not sure whether I have read in this forum or someone told me recently but it now seems that my original keys have a little transmitter inside them that communicates with the...
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    FL1 TD4 5 Door 2001 CCU

    Thanks very much.
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    Freelander random tailgate problems SOLVED with CCU replacement

    Thanks for this, all good to know. I'm currently having what I think are CCU related issues with my 2001 TD4 5 door and people are trying to help there already on a separate thread. I replaced the CCU but things immediately got worse and couldn't even start the car and drive it. Currently...
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    FL1 TD4 5 Door 2001 CCU

    Only just started to work on it again and heavy rain has arrived. I've attached an image of the original CCU showing part numbers etc, it shows as being YWC000031 would that be an issue if the replacement I fitted is YWC000030 ? I'll take the replacement out later and check the numbers on that...
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    FL1 TD4 5 Door 2001 CCU

    Thanks for this, is there a way that I'm able to confirm if I'm an 'early' or not ?
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    FL1 TD4 5 Door 2001 CCU

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    FL1 TD4 5 Door 2001 CCU

    Thanks very much, will try tomorrow morning if it's not pouring with rain. Hopefully it's just the ground needed, fingers crossed then.
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    FL1 TD4 5 Door 2001 CCU

    Thanks for this, the Rave list agrees with the Haynes one by the look of it and good to know how the immobilisation System works, appreciated. I also need to check with LR online or a reputable site to confirm the correct CCU part number that I need to use if I find the replacement isn't...
  13. T

    FL1 TD4 5 Door 2001 CCU

    That suggests to me then that the key wouldn't need to 'recognised' by the CCU and should not be causing the electrical mayhem that ensued after I did the CCU swap. Could it simply be the bolts need to go in to provide the required earth and/or is it that I've put the two small CCU wiring plugs...
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    FL1 TD4 5 Door 2001 CCU

    Good to know, thanks. How much would reprogramming cost ? Sorry if this sounds daft as I'm far from being an electrician but much much better with plumbing and heating. Do you think putting the three fusebox mounting plate bolts back in will provide a required earth to the plugged-in CCU (and...
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    FL1 TD4 5 Door 2001 CCU

    Noted, thanks. I thought I was going to have to cut the driver's side glove box out when trying to swap over the CCU's but managed to get my hands in and 'remove and replace' almost in situ after removing the two relays to the side of the fuses and the three CCU wiring plugs. I think I also need...
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    FL1 TD4 5 Door 2001 CCU

    Hi and thanks for responding. Just reread the Haynes Manual for 1997 to 2002 Chapter 12 page 19 and it states - Depending on the market the vehicle was intended for, the CCU is responsible for controlling the following functions, one of which listed is Anti-theft alarm system - the CCU is...
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    FL1 TD4 5 Door 2001 CCU

    Thanks very much for responding so quickly, I think the numbers were the same when I checked but I'll take it out again to be sure as it's no good as it is anyway as I can't even drive the car now. You're right, I just checked the Haynes manual and it does say the CCU controls the immobiliser...
  18. T

    FL1 TD4 5 Door 2001 CCU

    Central locking, all windows, rear door latch and all other numerous CCU associated functions stopped working about a week ago ( I only have a key as the remote fob stopped working some time ago even after fitting with a new battery ). Ignition still worked ok and all other non CCU functions...