1. R

    Returning to the fold.

    I found the manual excellent for pulling out hedgerows, towing chippers and general agricultural work (son number 2 is a tree surgeon); it was also good for steady cruising when trying to achieve decent fuel economy. The auto was absolute faultless when it came to towing the caravan when she...
  2. R

    Returning to the fold.

    Thanks for the welcome. Both P38s were dSEs, the first , a manual gearbox, replaced his and hers 300tdi Discos. The second, an auto gearbox, replaced a Kia Sedona auto which was bought to ease the arthritic shoulder pain from driving the Rangie. Sorry for the delay; I have been tied up trying...
  3. R

    Returning to the fold.

    Hi All I am about to re-aquaint myself with the joys and tribulations of Landy ownership after years of driving VW group 2WD saloons and hatches. In the past it was Series 3s, Lightweights and early Defenders during my Airforce days then Discos and P38 Rangies in the late 90s early noughties...
  4. R

    P38 CD Autochanger Error Code 6 and no sound.

    Hi folks, just bought my first DSE Rangie with CD autochanger. The rest of the car is great so far but it's very annoying not to be able to play CDs. The CD cassette loads, cycles through all 6 CDs, loads a Cd into the player and then............nothing except CDAC ERR6 on the head display...