1. Nyx25

    Starting Problems

    My disco 1997 300 tdi ES Auto bag o **** with bag o **** edc turns over for ages b 4 it fires then is very lumpy for about 10 to 15 seconds then settles down and runs nice and smooth no lack of power and runs fine. Switch it off and start back up str8 away and she starts and runs brilliant...
  2. Nyx25

    Derbyshire Trip Piccy fred

    :hysterically_laughi :hysterically_laughi
  3. Nyx25

    Derbyshire Trip Piccy fred

    ok peeps :focus: :hysterically_laughi
  4. Nyx25

    Derbyshire Trip Piccy fred

    :D trust Rhys to come out wiv summat like that :eek: but it were a good day out :)
  5. Nyx25

    Derbyshire Trip Piccy fred

    great pics and vids :D
  6. Nyx25

    Derbyshire Lane trip october half term

    Aye, it were a grand day out.Hafta do it again :)
  7. Nyx25

    Derbyshire Lane trip october half term

    Yeah...thank fook its a digital camera or it'd cost me a fortune :D
  8. Nyx25

    Derbyshire Lane trip october half term

    There's a place in Hathersage that you can top up
  9. Nyx25

    Derbyshire Lane trip october half term

  10. Nyx25

    Derbyshire Lane trip october half term

    too fecking right I wasn't pleased :mad2: but hey...lifes too short :p
  11. Nyx25

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    yeah, but I need ta sort em out first cos I used the cam a lot :nopics: :D
  12. Nyx25

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    were good fun though weren't it? :D:D:D
  13. Nyx25

    Derbyshire Lane trip october half term

    How many things have ya blown up doin' that? I 've lost count :hysterically_laughi
  14. Nyx25

    Hi Guys

  15. Nyx25

    Derbyshire Lane trip october half term

    Sure, you (along with the rest of the group) will be pm'd the starting point that week and meeting at 0730 so I hope you like early starts. :D The group now looks like this: 1. Toxicsox 2. nyx25 3. newby lad 4. Dicovery maniac 5. 200 tdi ayre (possible) 6. Finchy (Mate o ours sowie) 7. Jammy...
  16. Nyx25

    Derbyshire Lane trip october half term

    Depends on how long each lane takes us and if we do all of them. Last time it was about 7pm ish before we finished but you don't have to follow us to all of them though :) I'll also be taking my camera so between us we should get some good shots :D
  17. Nyx25

    Derbyshire Lane trip october half term

    I think Toxic meant seven landys going...we is gonna pm people with starting point after we done our recky. But it will be a 0730 start time :doh: (between you and me I hate early starts but it'll be worth it) :D
  18. Nyx25

    Derbyshire Lane trip october half term

    See ya there :D
  19. Nyx25

    Derbyshire Lane trip october half term

    oh and I'm still on standard tyres - they just a bit bigger than the last set I had
  20. Nyx25

    Derbyshire Lane trip october half term

    Up until last week I was running on standard tyres... Tetley did fine on all lanes :)