1. Z

    TD4 HP Pump questions?

    I have a conclusion to this saga, HP Pump (original) was sent for testing (Feather Diesel).. They strip the pump clean it all and reassemble with new seals to test and the test showed it worked ok although there was some internal wear, refitted on return & car started. Seems this pump was...
  2. Z

    TD4 HP Pump questions?

    Maybe but I can't see how injectors leaking would give me no (zero) fuel in the common rail, no output at all from the high pressure pump, (except lift pump presure).. to me it appears an electronic control is stopping the pump from being able to make high pressure, but I have no idea what is...
  3. Z

    TD4 HP Pump questions?

    The high pressure pump has been checked and is apparently ok, have tested the low pressure pump and it is supplying more than the required 1.9 bar, but still same symptoms no rail pressure at all.. does anyone know what if anything electronic can prevent the high pressure pump creating...
  4. Z

    TD4 HP Pump questions?

    Ok thanks :) but does it make sense that there is no pressure in the rail at all? (actually no fuel in the rail with one pump) the supply pump (lift pump) to the high pressure pump is flowing at a fair rate, but haven't tested it for presure, however it's working again both High pressure...
  5. Z

    TD4 HP Pump questions?

    Yes it will start on easy start, and run (but only until it's used it up). I had considered injector issues but as said there is no rail presure above the minimal lift pump presure (with origanil pump), and none at all with new (second-hand pump) no fuel in common rail for there to be...
  6. Z

    TD4 HP Pump questions?

    Thanks for the quick reply.. :) I'm still not understanding how it can know if it has or hasn't enough rail pressure (i.e. a rail sensor fault) when there is no fuel in the rail or what if anything other than a dead pump can cause it to have no pressure when the high pressure pump is being...
  7. Z

    TD4 HP Pump questions?

    I have an issue with a non starting 03 plate Freelander TD4.. I have searched and read about many of the possible non start scenarios, but none seem to fit this.. scanned with Snap-on Modis it reports P0190 Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor. Further investigation shows that when the supply pipe...