1. Sully

    Possible thieves in chesterfield

    Just thinking yesterday what I'd do if I won the euro lottery and decided I'd buy a defender and stake it out in different areas with surveillance and just make it a really satisfying hobby catching t##ts.
  2. Sully

    What happens to all the stolen Landys??

    Does anyone know of any survey's available on car theft eg; 4X4s compared to other vehicles; most popular models stolen, are more defenders stolen than disco's, has a freelander ever been stolen and if it was, when did they give it back?
  3. Sully

    What happens to all the stolen Landys??

    Cheers BuzzLand, the disklok will definatley be a purchase when I come to terms with the price of 110 left hand drive defenders latley. How do they justify these prices when a left hand drive is cheaper to manufacture?
  4. Sully

    What happens to all the stolen Landys??

    110 left hand drive was nicked from John Lennon airport 2 yrs ago and my 90 was nicked last November, just can't seem to keep hold of them, although I do have dreams of catching someone trying to take my next one. If anyone has any tips to put thieves off or make their job harder it would be...
  5. Sully

    Buying abroad

    Thanks Yella Disco, I just wish this was true but all the left hand drive importers seem to be selling their landrovers before they even arrive in Britain and for far more than the right hand drive equivelant (Don't ask why). For some reason they are like golddust. I'm looking to spend...
  6. Sully

    Buying abroad

    Hi Marcus, My heart may be in Italia but unfortunatley I am in Britain. The reason I need a left hand drive is that I will take it to Italy quite regularly and would rather have to drive on the wrong side of the road in Britain than drive on the wrong side of the road in Italia. If you have...
  7. Sully

    Buying abroad

    I recently had my 110 tdi defender left hand drive stolen and have just recieved payment from my insurer so am now looking for another vehicle of the same spec. But as well as being scarce they are also in a price range of their own when you do find them. I'm wondering if it would be cheaper...
  8. Sully

    You get your dream and so does someone else.

    Thanks Grunt, Slob, Discomania. Just gutted at the moment but I will get another one though it will never take the place of my first one. I will take your suggestions on board, and many thanks. (Personaly I'd like to subject whoever stole my dream to working for a living)
  9. Sully

    You get your dream and so does someone else.

    Thanks for the support, just don't know why someone feels that they can take something you have worked so hard for; where have people's morals and self pride gone? When I was young, if I did'nt earn it then I did'nt get it. 23 years down a mine does teach you to respect other peoples property.
  10. Sully

    You get your dream and so does someone else.

    Hi guys, I eventualy managed to buy my dream, a 110 defender and got around 2 months of absolute pleasure from it before I parked it in the long stay carpark at John Lennon airport. Yep! at 23.30 last night I was trawling the carpark for the distinctive white roof and full roofrack but was...
  11. Sully

    Landrover Decals

    One more question and I won't bother you again (unless it's serious). Anyone know where I can get some good decals for my 110, haven't had it long but I'd like to personalise it a bit. Any good links or shop's? Hope someone can help
  12. Sully


    Thanks for the help and advice, I don't want to change the colour (Blue) and yes there is some corrosion that needs to be sorted first, but it will be nice to get it to it's original state (Probably have to do some carboot sales or something to pay for it though) Cheers
  13. Sully


    Hi everyone, Have'nt had my M reg 110 Defender long but as it has spent a lot of it's time in Egypt and the paint work is looking faded I am playing with the idea of a full re-spray. If anyone could give me an idea of cost it would be appreciated. Cheers Sully www.sullysitaly.co.uk