1. M

    selling stuff

    ur all rotten buggers!!!!!!! in the for sale section in the sub category accessories, oh yeah you wont get away from the sarky comments............ i luv it?!
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    heehee ur just up the road fae me, nice to meet u, no sorry cant help but im sure someone can
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    welcome, discos and petrol go well together! ours broke completely yesterday, i m now thinking of a reliant robin,
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    may have forgotton passwords n stuff, or maybe a clone oooooo!
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    Top less pictures

    BoB i wuz talkin bout ur useful advice on my non danxin disco!!
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    Newbie from Isle of Lismore,Scotland.

    are you a true scot? just curious welcome to the land of well erm landys
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    I'm a virgin !!

    OI MISTA, i may be mad and i may have dirty nails and a disgustingly dirtier mind and small jublies but that dont make me a man, there are ladies on here too you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, oh fuk it i cant pretend any more am a geezabird, defo bird tho, welcome to the werid and wonderful world of...
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    Top less pictures

    BoB thanx 4 ur advice, but its now really FUBAR
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    On The Scrounge.....

    boo, av you tried the special offer/ clearance section on the web web page that you have put on your post, there is vairious sizes not at £50!!!!! seen some at £14 if its the right stuff im looking at. its worth a look cos if any one on here has any then it could cost you just as much second...
  10. M

    I had ane, but wheel fell off

    Enuf is enuf, there is only so much a woman will take:-(! I have a can of petrol with the discos name on it. See " I got a disco but I aint dancing" for those of u who think ive gone mad:-S, partner cums home from gathering to drive carfuly doon yon driveway to apply brakes and low and behold...
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    i got a disco but i aint dancing!!!

    eek, have no lights on fullstop, and have nothing dangleing from underneath, it looks normal!!!!!!!!!!! there is no drips/leaks, how do i check my levels for the boxes and diffs? dont have the knowledge to take stuff off and repair, though i can take stuff off! there was a burning oil type...
  12. M

    i got a disco but i aint dancing!!!

    :( Hi folks, can you help once again please, have got a J plate disco and yesterday it broke:(:(, on way back Fae the shop, and start hearing a grinding noise which sounded like a gear crunching metal and scraping it off more metal, stopped and panicked then jumped back in to try and limp home...
  13. M

    Turn me off please

    sorry folks i think i forgot to say that techy stuff dont mean owt ti me! the last time i was at an engine it was a 1.2 austin metro, it wouldnt start so i took off the alternator/starter motor and a few other bits...... except not all bits went back on!!!!!!!! well it wouldnt fit, and...
  14. M

    Turn me off please

    :confused::confused: imagine the senario, been to the local shop, 16 mile drive home, coming cautiously down the drive (dont want to squash me ducks) stop at the garage, apply handbrake, swithch off ignition take out keys jump out, shut the door and stand there thinking "it cant be my engine...
  15. M

    Anyone local?

    in scotland there really could be worse things that run up ur trooser legs!!!!!!!!!! trust me,
  16. M

    Have I been sold a pup?

    you would have had to get new tyres at some point!!!!, as for who sold u them, be it your lesson learned for yourself (for not viewing first and being too trusting) and others if you give them feedback on eBay. There is legal things you can do regarding tyres/seller but its not worth it, not...
  17. M

    Anyone local?

    ur welcome here, loads o space, im in the middle of nowhere, n the only thing that will run u 'oer is a cow!!
  18. M

    highs n lows of buying a 109

    Damn im good,:cool: "I could sell ice to eskimos and buy fire from hell"-minikow'10. Sold the rangy, now were looking at a 109, its a 2.5 petrol 12 seater, on an L 1972-3, i have been advised not to buy:confused: cos its petrol, but we like it, though i would like to know what you guys think of...
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    my names billy hunt not silly ****

    B.O.B, oh haha, that was soooooo not funny! I could make more if i stood on the street corner and swung me 'andbag! mind you ive got a long way to go to find either a street or corner heehee, tell me why they cost the earth when u buy 'em and when it comes to gettin rid u cant give 'em...