1. J

    td5 ALIVE !!!!!!

    Awesome! Unfortunaltey I had my 90 nicked 3 days before all the snow came, so was very peed off!
  2. J

    Wolf Land Rover

    It looks good,. but 15K?? Thats a lot for, well, not a lot!
  3. J

    Defender 90 Stolen

    Bramley, Hants! Might be getting it back, it's at my insurance companies 'approved' repaier awaiting it's fate.
  4. J

    Whats it worth?

    I was told it was written off, but when I questioned this the insurance company (Admiral) denied this! It is now at an 'approved' crash repaier awating it's fate. Damage isn't tood bad (passneger door, near side sill, both locks, gear knob and low range knob) but it was really ragged off road...
  5. J

    stolen red defender

    Sorry to hear that. Had mine nicked as well on Tueday night. Hope you get it back in good nick.
  6. J

    Defender 90 Stolen

    My beloved Defender 90 300tdi was nicked from outisde my house on Tuesday night. It was found a mere 5 miles from my house later that day, on a farm track with it's wheels off and part stripped and it had been really abused off road. They had removed the drivers seat and tried to remove the fuel...
  7. J

    Whats it worth?

    Hi, Some theiving scum bag (who I have nick named Thursh, becasue he's an irritating c*^t) stole my beloved Landie on Tuesday night. It has been recovered but has been written off by my insurance company. Now I'm preparing for the fight to get what I beleive is a fair pay out from them. It is a...
  8. J

    What size nut?

    Hi, I'm fitting anti roll bars to my 90, I have the front and rear ones from a Disco mk1. I have new bushes, ball joints ect, I needed some new roll bar link bolts which I have just purchesed, but I also need the nut to go on these bolts....can anyone tell me what size the nut would be...
  9. J

    hey y'all

    Hi, I'm new to the forum. I've had my 90 300tdi for alomost 2 months and am loving it! Justin