1. B

    Land Rover Paint

    Got it from Sayers. Ordered it in the morning and he picked it up, that afternoon. Nato Green - 5Ltr's = £50.76 www.sayers-motorfactors.co.uk John
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    Land Rover Paint

    My Dad got some paint. Going to start sanding it down shortly, and start painting it later. Here it is before: I will upload one at the end of the week. If its finished. John
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    Land Rover Paint

    Anyone know where I can get some Land Rover paint (green and matt black) in Northampton? Halfords only do small tins, and they have only got one tin of green left. Then they are not stocking it anymore. So theres not enough. I would like the get some first thing in the morning, if...
  4. B

    Smaller Steering Wheel Wanted?

    Not that. Just type too fast, and never bother to check it. John
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    Smaller Steering Wheel Wanted?

    I will tell my Dad what hes got to do, and he may just leave it as it is. I will take some pictures over the weekend. Then put some up on here. He tried it off raod yesterday, and it went every where. He even had to pull out, a alot newer land rover. As is go it stuck on the lad the pair...
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    Smaller Steering Wheel Wanted?

    Can you get a smaller steering wheel for a Land Rover Series 2? My Dads is just like this one (but not as tidy): My Dad bought it yesterday, for £1200. But we are struggling to get in and out of it. Plus we may re-paint it. Anyone recommend some paint? We want to do it our selfs...
  7. B

    Billing Aquadrome Pictures

    There on my site too now. If you have not seen them. http://www.joke-art.com/landroverphotos.html http://www.joke-art.com/landroverphotospagetwo John
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    Billing Aquadrome Pictures

    My pictures are in the events section of the gallery (just got another 120 to load). As I am having problems putting the pictures on my site. Canvas prints are availible of these photos. Actual sizes are 121cm by 81cm. John
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    Billing Aquadrome Pictures

    Watch this space for my pictures: www.joke-art.com/landroverphotos As I will adding loads later today. If my computer lets me. Talk about a change in weather. One minute I am sweating pints. Then I am trying to run home, in a thunder storm. Never seen it rain so hard, and so long before...
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    billing show

    I am not sure. You would have to ring them. But after what I saw at Billing yesterday. I dout it. John
  11. B

    Hello from Northampton!

    Some pictures: http://www.joke-art.com/landroverphotos I had loads loaded, but my computer crashed. So I will try and load the rest tomorrow. Along with more photos I take in the morning. John
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    Hello from Northampton!

    I will stick my pictures up from billing later today. It is packed solid, and its too bloody hot to check everything out. Every bit of grass has some 4x4 on it! Going back tomorrow. First thing in the morning. So I hope its cooler. John
  13. B

    Hello from Northampton!

    Just thought I would say hello. I am going to my first landrover show this weekend. As I am just round the corner from billing aquadrome. Didn't know its the biggest show in Europe. My Dad used to have a 1996 Ford Bronco (only sold it 1-2 months ago). A Landrover owner bought it. So I...