1. G

    LandyZone Car Stickers

    Put me down for 5 please!
  2. G

    freelander troubles

    Check if the battery light is lit up on the dash when you turn ignition key If it is not the light my also be a fuse which needs replacing :( Dash out time if that is the case :( It could explain why you have gone through 2 of each. hope this helps
  3. G

    FL General Chat Section

    What about Orca(s) anagram of oscar (well nearly) sorry i wish i could help with you pc (my job) but you are to far away and it is hard to help on line best of luck. Try finding a local independent computer shop curry's and co are a waste of time and a rip off
  4. G

    Cool Runnings

    No probs :) glad to be of assistance!
  5. G

    Cool Runnings

    Here is the link for the Rave CD http://green-oval.com/joomla/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_details&gid=8&Itemid=29
  6. G

    Air Con shower

    I had a good look last night and when the air con is on it makes a gurgling sound and water does come out of the pipe switch it of and no noise. It has not done it again so i guess it must be condensation! Thanks for the help:)
  7. G

    Air Con shower

    Thanks Tiny will try that later:)
  8. G

    Air Con shower

    Thats what i thought but when i turn my air con off it stops doing it!
  9. G

    Air Con shower

    Hi all:) Help needed I had my air con on today when all of a sudden the middle 2 air vents started to spray out water all over me and the seats:eek: has any body got an ideas as my air con is still ice cold:confused: