1. R

    Loss of power and Black smoke

    Thanks guys totally correct - delaminated turbo hose - New one from Paddocks (set of three) £70.00 including VAT and postage. 30 mins later - driving pretty again, Phew lol. Pictures delaminated hose - replacement in place. http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4096/4786665442_1bd27a8114_b.jpg...
  2. R

    Loss of power and Black smoke

    Cheers ratty - Like i said it feels like its gasping for air and cause everything is working fine otherwise, I thought the same. I did take the snorkel connector off so the air went straight into the air filter and the air filter looked clean etc but it still did the same . . . but I do remember...
  3. R

    Loss of power and Black smoke

    Hi Guys Yesterday whilst driving along had a little problem. Defender 90 TD5 2.0L Yreg Was keeping up with the traffic at about 70 :o and after a few miles pulled off on a country lane to go walk the dog. All was fine. After the walk we headed for home. Driving along and pulled off the...