1. T

    Oil pipe bursting

    Morning all I have a disco 200TDI fitted in my defender a few months ago one of my oil cooling pipes bust so I repaired it & it was ok. On Thursday I notice I had to much oil in so I undo my dump plug a drained a bit out. Friday when I was on my way to Scotland. I left my house at 3am at 3:45...
  2. T

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    We're to start :-) I dropped the back of my little 90 pick up to pick a hutch up for my lass. Got back home just pulling on the drive to see a oil poring out on the drive. New job tomorrow :-( Kevin But it dose look good with out her top on lol
  3. T

    New defender concept

    No thank you. I just say get on with our lass freelander & after her comments her too lol Kevin
  4. T

    Project 1989 90 (Bruce)

    I've just had a great read of this thread. I know you don't need me to say your doing a outstanding job. Looking forward to reading more Kevin
  5. T

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    I got mine ready for the MOT. Hate this time of year. But straight through lol Kevin
  6. T

    Pickup to hard top

    Thanks for the reply. I was hopping someone mite have a few photos of one they had done lol Kevin
  7. T

    Pickup to hard top

    Hi all I'm just running ideas around my head at the moment. I have a defender 90 pickup & it's going though my mind to turn it into a hard top is it very hard to do. Kevin
  8. T

    MR MIG pictures of poor poor dangerous welding

    It's ok mate I've been welding for years so I've seen a lot of crap welding Ksvin
  9. T

    Defender trailer

    Like it very much Kevin
  10. T

    MR MIG pictures of poor poor dangerous welding

    Can you add photos straight to here as I can see them. Kevin
  11. T

    Thieves Nicked..

    Hope the police can keep it going. About time Kevin
  12. T

    dodgy as fook

    There's some mad prices on them lol
  13. T

    Welding master lass for beginners...

    I would show you but I'm in Newcastle mate Kevin
  14. T

    Banging when driving

    I just thought I would give a quick update. Still not had time to gease prop but the work we did under the bonnet seems to have stopped the noise :-) I think it was the air box came loss Kevin
  15. T

    just got one

    Sound like fun any photos I have a mate calling over next week with a rebuilt one Kevin
  16. T

    Banging when driving

    Lol I just noticed that lol Mpg I wish only on a tow truck will i get that kinder mpg lol Ment to be Mph 30-50 Made my day mate. Thanks Kevin
  17. T

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Had a hand of my mate. Bonnet off cable ties few things up & new ariel for radio had 5 mins drive with out bonnet great fun Kevin
  18. T

    Banging when driving

    Had a good few hours under bonnet. A few things been retightened so that rule them out & had a 5 min drive with out bonnet on banging noise not there :-) But in morning up on the ramps with the grease gun while its on my mind lol Kevin
  19. T

    Banging when driving

    I'm a man mate can't multitask lol so your right banging while driving does become a little dangerous ;-) I think it will be the prop shaft.
  20. T

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Touck the dog cages out last night just to put them back in today :-) Kevin