1. S

    thud underneath

    Hello, I wonder if someone can solve this. I have a 1999 2.0 xedi , every time I change gear , I push the clutch in and let off the gas, there is a thud from underneath. If I accelerate then de-accelerate it thuds. I am trying to nurse it at the moment in case something happens which could be...
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    2.0 diesel clutch hydraulics

    I have a 1999 2.0 diesel, my clutch pedal has gone right down and not springing back up. Obviously I cannot change gear and dont really know where to look. I have a haynes manual and it says that this could be the hydraulic unit and not the clutch itself. I want know if this unit consisting of...
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    Allright ! keep your wig on!!
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    Do you know, I cant seem to get a straight yes or no on this website, i dont know why I bother.
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    What`s that supposed to mean??
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    Does anyone know if I can do any maintenance on my vcu? If there are problems with it seizing up and having a knock-on effect to the ird and rear diff, maybe there could be a way to keep it clean and maintain it in good nick??anyone??:cool:
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    Another freelander noise

    Would it be better to tackle it from the inside of the vehicle or as my mechanic says, from behind the rear wheel and cut a hole directly horizontal across from there????
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    Another freelander noise

    Just to let everyone know ,I took the landy to the garage and it looks like the problem lies in the subframe where it bolts on to the chassis. They are going to cut away behind the back wheel and weld the problem area ,and then weld back up . They reckon in all probabilities there is a nut...
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    Another freelander noise

    The thing is though, the noise is coming directly from the suspension area. When my son is sitting in the boot he can actually feel the tapping through the steel of the inner side panel which is immediately below the top three suspension mounting bolts. Confusing I know.
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    Another freelander noise

    Going into the garage a week on mon (the 14th) will let you all know what the problem was .
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    Another freelander noise

    I have taken the right side cover off from inside the boot and the noise is coming directly from the suspension area????????????
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    Another freelander noise

    Hi, Took the side panel off this afternoon to see if there was anything loose in there. I could`nt see anything loose or out of place. So I got my 8 year old son to sit in the boot while I reversed and when forward a few times. He seemed to pinpoint the noise which seems to be coming from the...
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    Another freelander noise

    I have a 99 freelander 2.0 diesel. I have a really annoying noise which seems to be coming from above the rear offside wheel, but actually inside the bodywork. Every time I go forward after reversing( especially out of my drive) there is quite a loud "tap". I can even make it "tap " when I am...
  14. S

    god dam fuel connectors!!

    :mad: Does anyone have any idea how to get the fuel connectors off??? You know the type, they are basically a large lump of hard rubber around the fuel pipe with two flats on either side which ,when pressed, go into the pipe , which I assume is how you get them off! I have tried and tried...