1. M

    Biodiesel first tank impressions

    Hello When you say header tank do you mean where the coolant is topped up? Sorry newb
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    Biodiesel first tank impressions

    The bio diesel I used was from the pumps. After using for a few days with pretty awful results even after replacing the fuel filter I have reverted back to normal diesel. I drained off the bio diesel mix, replaced the filter & filled my tank back up with standard diesel. Can't say I was...
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    Biodiesel first tank impressions

    Hello Discomania Thanks for your reply, worringly the engine temp gauge has started to get pretty hot, nearly going into the red the coming down a touch to three quarters say & the going back to near red. This never happened once when running on normal diesel, is it just a coincedence or are...
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    Biodiesel first tank impressions

    Hello To all I have just filled my tank with it's first crack at bio-diesel. A 50/50 mix with normal diesel. I have noticed that my 300 tdi defender is much smokier than normal, quite smoky on idle & plumes of white smoke on start off, when engine is warm. Is this normal? I dont know whether I...
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    TD5 seats

    Hello to all Does anybody know if td5 seats have removeable bottoms? I was gonna get some seats from a county 2006 model to put in my 300 tdi 1997. I'll need access to the tool storage underneath the seats. Also is it just a case of removing the bolts & replacing like for like? Cheers :p
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    Best place in the North west(UK) for bits?

    I was wondering if anyone could recommend somewhere in the north west for land rover defender bits, I am currently after some inside door trim. Any help is much appreciate. Ta:p
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    Fuses keep popping Grrr

    Well it seems that there was a break in a wire causing it to short, all sorted now but I think the beam needs adjustment as one side looks dimmer than the other but I'm sure it just needs tweaking. Also a small thing which I have noticed happening is the hazard light comes on momentarily when...
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    Fuses keep popping Grrr

    You are taking the michael here surely:confused: Off to an auto electrician in the morn to try & sort.
  9. M

    Fuses keep popping Grrr

    Hi I tried different sets of headlamps with the same results, I didnt try throwing any switches with no headlamps in. When you say check the wiring will there be some kind of break somewhere causing it to short? Cheers
  10. M

    Fuses keep popping Grrr

    Hello to all. Today I attempted to replace my faulty headlamp. Front passenger side. I managed to replace ok but whenever I try to flick on my main beam a fuse just pops( This is fuse no13 which is the second fuse along bottom row in the fuse box) I have tried 7.5amp fuses & also 10amp but they...
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    rattling rear door shennaniggans

    Thanks for the reply stu!;) Where did you source you wheel carrier from? & was it easy to fit? Any thoughts on the waxoyl subject I posted?
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    rattling rear door shennaniggans

    The rear door on my defender 90 is rattling & is driving me a bit mad, I have tried slamming it real hard, tried adjusting the screws by the rubber stopper near the catch to no avail. The spare wheel is attached to the rear door & when I removed the wheel the problem was nowhere near as bad, I...
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    Sealed Beam headlamp (pop)

    I went for these with the normal H4's Oooohhh.
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    Sealed Beam headlamp (pop)

    I think I will go with those then;) What about the H4 ice xenon bulbs!!:confused: Anyone used these? They sound nice.
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    Sealed Beam headlamp (pop)

    The passenger side headlamp on my defender has gone pop,I was gonna upgrade the headlamps & wanted some advice if possible please. I was looking at these: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=140025522221&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=004 Are they gonna be relatively easy...
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    Dent removal

    Hi I checked the vin plate but there are no numbers etc next to (paint):confused:
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    Heated rear windscreen doesnt

    I have a heated rear windscreen which doesnt appear to work :( Checked the fuse which seems ok, when you flick the switch nothing lights up on the dash & there is no heat coming from the window at all. Anyone point me in the right direction, I thought it may be that I need a new switch but wasnt...
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    Dent removal

    Ah at last, a useful comment ;) I am trying tofind out what type of blue the paintwork is on my defender, it is a 1996 300 tdi. I am not sure if a particular blue was used for this year or not, tried to attach a pic but the file was too big, I cant take another pic as it is dark outside now :(...
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    Dent removal

    OK! why did I not see that coming!! :) Alright then what about getting rid of a bit of electrolysis here & there? Would this be the usual sanding priming painting scenario?
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    Dent removal

    Hi to all I know I'm probably gonna get a slap from someone for asking this but there are a few dents around the bodywork on my defender I would like to get sorted, Is this a costly process or does anybody have any tips? Lots of people say those dents add character but I'd like to restore to...