1. D

    td5 disco over heating

    I have just had all the above problems did a you have done ended up the Head Gasket was blowing and presuring the cooling system
  2. D

    TD5 won' start

    Hi all I have a 1999 Discovery TD5 and just recently it has decided to play up by not starting. When I turn the key there is a delay before it turns the engine over, this happens 2-3 times then I get nothing ie turn key all lights come on but absolute silence when trying to start. what I have...
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    TD5 Temperature problem

    My temperature gauge has started to register max temp. but engine is normal temp. when this happens I switch off after 2 minuets switch back on and temp. is normal. I have changed temp reader in cylinder head and renewed drive belt, but this problem still happens. Can any one help with...
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    Discovery ES Electric Seat Problem

    Hi Have checked all sugetions but the switch is different to the one discribed, however i am getting the sound as if the motor is wanting to work but just makes a stalling sound, and i can feel vibration. Any sugestions Derek S