1. M

    sunroof retro-fit???

    I bought mine with a faulty sunroof. I just went to the scrap yard and picked one up to 100 quid and many more goodies (scrap yards are heaven to me :) ). Took me about an hour to fit it, about 1 min to fit the sunroof, 15 min to remove the roof carpet and 44 min to put the roof carpet back...
  2. M

    Hissing noise from front left of engine

    I was not looking for this but just came across it. I thought it was normal thing that noise :) But Now I guess it is not :) oops! time to fix something else :(
  3. M

    Freelander immobilizer

    OK, I have just driven from the UK to Serbia in my Freelander with no trouble at all and many stops on the way. I finally reached Serbia and parked my car outside my place, went to click my alarm/ central locking but no joy ? I have two plinker plonkers for the car so I just assumed one had...